Yukon's 55 Gal - Let me know what ya think


OK guys heres some pics from 2005 to present and how my tank has done. It Started as Fish only and has gone though some serious changes over the last 3 yrs I'll post the good, and bad and show you where I'm at now. Just to warn you the tank got pretty ugly after I moved it twice. The first move was into my new place and unfortunatly the tank got to hot last summer and I lost alot of stuff. I moved it again to my front room after I had the floors and ceiling redone. It's a much better location and the temps are more stable in this part of the house. So here we go!!
1st Fish



I can't find much more of my older pics but I'll post if I find them. But oK heres my tank at its worst. After 2 moves and a nasty algea and Cyano outbreak, old lights and expired rodi filters to blame here oh and not enough flow. This picture was taken as you can see back in april when I started to get it back in shape. I had just started getting the plumbing in place for sump Fuge.


Heres the new Sump/Fuge build. I also Upgraded from a seaclone skimmer to a new AquaC EV-120
Love this thing!!



New Aquascape after treating with Chem Clean, Multiple water changes, new light bulbs, cleaning rock w/ toothbrush and sucking out algea with a airline



OK here we are as of a 5/22/08. I had My new MH fixture temped up on 2x4's till I got Suspension kit. It's finally Starting to look good again



So what ya think?
It's been alot of Money and work so far, I'm slowly adding fish back into the tank. I currently have a Sixline Wrass and Lawnmower Blenny in the tank. My Foxface is almost ready to go in he's in the QT for now but is doing great.
I really liked my old one and can't wait to get this guy in the tank.
I had pretty much lost all fish in the past to the heat issue.
The only surviver was ther Sixline wrass. He's one tough fish.

This site has helped me out bigtime. I haven't posted much because I've been able to search and find what I needed. I've been on here almost daily since March. Thanks for all the great help and advise that you guys and gals have given me. Thanks for all the usefull theads I've found!!
I'm still working on the tank and adding to the stock so I'll post updates here as well.
Looking forward to hearing your comments.


Oh I forgot to mention the algea still on the one rock. I left some on there because I didn't want to scrub every rock and risk starving Algea blenny since he doesn't like the dried up stuff. Plus it gives my Foxface something to munch on too


Originally Posted by forcrz6
What is ChemClean? Is this for the Rocks or the Glass?
It's a product that removes the cyano bacteria(Red algae looking stuff). All my Cyano was gone in 2 days.

The full name for it is Boyd Enterprises Inc. Chemiclean red slime remover


Originally Posted by grubsnaek
a over haul like this, re-ignites the passion for this hobby i think
great turn around!!!
Thanks grubs, yeah I think this website had something to do with it. Lots of info on here


Thanks scopus its been a long road and still have more to go to get it to where I want it.
Got home lastnight to find my Lawnmower blenny dead.
I've only had him in the DT for about 2 weeks. He was in QT for a month and wasn't eating much. He ate for the first week or so and mostly ate the diatom I tried offering algae sheets but he wasn't interested. I even put some hair algea in there for him that he did eat a little. When I moved him to the display he was looking skinny. I thought it would help but I guess he just didn't like my algae
My water tested ok (alk alittle low I think about 6.8 Dkh and cal somewhat high at 480) 0 am, trite and trates and phos , ph 8.0 and all other fish are looking good. I think he just starved to death