yumas/ricordias with bare bottom?


i finished cycling a 20 gallon bare bottom tank can i make it into a ricordia/yuma tank?


Active Member
Sure yah can. Is that the only thing you are going to have in there? Keep in mind that BB tanks with no skimmer....and such have a difficult time dealing with waste and excess nutrients. If you only have the Ricordias/yumas maybe one fish or two if small and do water changes fairly frequently I would say they will do very well. Just make sure you don't over feed at all. Also I would be carefull adding phyto or cyclopleeze or any similar foods.


ya i want to do a piccaso clown or maybe a pair or a pair of some other clown
-edit- maybe a few zoos in there 2 idk yet


the reason people go bb is so they can direct flow anywhere they want without creating a sand storm in their tank. usually people with sps due this. also another thing with bb tanks is that usually they will not have as many nutrients as one with a sand bed. If u are going to go bb u must have a skimmer its a must. wheres all ur waste gonna go? its gonna go into the water and smell,look nasty. y not just spend the $60 and get a 2" ls bed? dispite the excess and i mean excess nutrients ur gonna have trouble maintaing your ph. your going to be wasting money if u dont get a skimmer.