zebra eel feeding


Active Member
is it bad to feed a zebra eel a crawfish(it ate 2 yesterday) i know they are fresh water but my zebra will only eat something live or dead that has a shell which mainly leaves me with feeding shrimp and i want to vary it diet


Active Member
how do you feed him? do yiou just drop it in the tank?
I would put the food on the feeding stick, and get him used to eating off that. Then start to trick him with other foods. You could always put a small peice of like silverside AND a shrimp or krill on the feeder at the same time and trick him into eating both in the same bite.
Sometimes we have to get creative.



Active Member
use a feeding stick it will give it a soft test bite then either grab hold or pull its head away. i put live crawfish right in and he hunted them down and ate them within 20 min