Zebra Eel in a 135 reef?


After reading the thread started by bkvreef i was thinking. A zebra eel sounds really awesome.I was watching one at my lfs and they are cool looking creatures. I really want one when i get my tank established but my thoughts were that it was basically impossible to keep an eel in a reef tank because of inverts, corals and small fish. Many of you seem to say that a zebra eel doesn't bother anything at all. My question is, Could a zebra eel be plausible in my 135 gal reef tank once its established?


Active Member
is it plausable yes it may eat shrimp and crabs and most wont eat small fish but it is a huge hit on your bioload and in a reef you should be striving for pristine water and a 2-3 possibly 4'+ eel would shoot your nitrates through the roof so while plausable yes but not recomended a sfe would be a better because it stays smaller but may be a little more aggressive