Zebra eel stopped eating 5 weeks ago


I am breaking down my remaining 240gal and getting ready for my 480gal due to arrive in a couple of weeks.....I broke down the 1st 240gal about 5-6 weeks ago....at that time I removed my 35" Zebra moray and relocated him to one of those big rubbermaid tubs with wheels.....since that time he refuses to eat. I'm really surprised he's still alive. He lived in a piece of 3" PVC when he was in the tank, so I just moved him in the PVC over to the tub....he pretty much stays in there, but occasionally he does a lap or two around the tub. I stick a piece of shrimp right in front of his nose but he doesn't eat. He appears fairly healthy otherwise.....
What can I do for him?


Staff member
Invest in a small tank and set it up for him. If you don't already have a QT, then you can use the tank for a QT when the eel is done with it, or you can use it for some understand function.
You might also try adding a light to the existing rubbermaid setup, as well as throw in some LR.


In addition to his PVC pipe, I have a little bit of LR in there.......
Do you think this is just stress? My new tank won't be setup for another 2-3 weeks.....I don't know how he would make it til then....actually I don't know how he's made it this long.....
Any meds I could give him?


Staff member
Do you have a light going for several hrs a day? Fish will not eat in the dark.


Staff member
I would invest in a cheap strip light that you can lay over the top of the aquarium. I think that may make a difference. Once you have the light on for several hrs, then try coaxing him to eat by target feedings.
Keep us posted.


Active Member
Nothing to worry about, yet. Morays, in the wild and in captivity, often go on hunger strikes.
At 5 weeks, he's still perfectly healthy...no reason to stress him, by moving him again.
Both of my Morays have gone months without eating...my Whitemouth didn't eat for 4 months and my Hawaiian Dragon went over 5 months, without food.


Thanks Beth, I'll try that.
AW2x3, that's amazing! That makes me feel a little better, thanks