zebra hermit crabs


i currently dont have any hermit crabs but everyone here seems to have red or blue leged hermits. My question is my lfs has these zebra hermits and i was wondering if they are ones to stay away from? Does anyone have any of them? Also my tank is a fowlr. Thanks in advance for the info.
I have one that came with my blue legs from saltwaterfish.com. They are also called left handed hermits because one claw is bigger than the other. So far no problems and I don't think you will have any either.
I would go with those little black snails that bury thamselves in the sand..... I can remember the name but they are something "jardini" I think....... They do the same thing and can be less destructive.. as hermits sometimes get :) Its also cool to see them "appear" from nowhere when you feed the tank!!!


I have a few zebra hermits, and they are pretty aggressive. two or three will get together and kill a snail. There are a couple who have moved into bigger shells, that are going back to the LFS very soon(just too mean).


They have actually killed 5 or 6 snails since the beginning of August, and a couple of them moved into the larger snail shells(even though I had empty shells in the tank). I'm going to take them out soon. The larger ones, I mean.


New Member
I have one that has also killed at least one snail,I didnt actually see it, but I know because he just appeared one day wearing a brand spankin new snail shell. I did not know though that they were also called left handed hermits, learn something new all the time.
i have five with no problems, they will eat your snails if they are flipped over or dying. Two of mine grew to the size of a half dollar. IMO they are less aggresive than the blue legs.