Zebra Moray help pls



I sort of inherited a 2' Zebra Moray. This guy I know was tearing down his 125 and needed to get rid of this eel. So I agreed to take it and the only place I had to put it was in my 65gal QT. Hopefully I can find someone locally who wants it because I don't want to keep it long term. The 65 is too small for it and I'm not putting it in the 150. Beautiful specimen, very active.
Anyway, since I have very little experience with eels, especially ones this big... how much do they eat? Like if I was to feed it pieces of raw shrimp, how much does a 2' eel eat and how often?


hey --, you inherited a beautiful, docile, and easy to care for eel. Mine is about 2' long as well and I feed mine every 3-5 days with 2 peices of medium sized shrimp each feeding. Also, they don't need a whole lot of room, so I don't see a problem keeping him in a 65gal. Just put some rock or decor to give him a place to hide. Good luck!


Thanks. He has a whole bunch of LR and caves. When I put him in yesterday, he hid for a while but later he came out and checked out the whole tank. This morning I tried to feed him a chunk of shrimp but he didn't seem interested. I put it right in front of his nose too. He could be full (looks pretty well fed) or getting used to his new tank. Otherwise seems pretty friendly, even comes out when I go next to the tank.


If he is not eating try going to the grociery storeand buy some clams in the shell crack them opened and lower them in I use a coat hanger as my feeding stick and bend the hanger to hold the clam. Mine loves them caries them around the tank and goes nuts. Its an awesome eel that is safe to put with just about any fish why don't you want to keep it?


I just don't think I have a tank big enough to keep it. My 150gal is fully stocked and the 65gal he's in now is probably too small long term. Isn't it? He'd be the only fish in there and the tank has a 20gal sump with a ASM skimmer.


if he is the only one i would think it would be fine. I have seen people with dragon morays in a 75 before with other fish.

crypt keeper

Active Member
they max out at a little over 3 feet. its fine in 65. It may not eat for a few days. Its probably firguring out what the hell happened still. If it wasnt so cold I pay you to ship it to me. That would look amazing in my 90.
Btw that is a healthy looking eel. Not to fat. Filled out nicely.
FTS with the eel?


I'd have to agree, a 65 will be fine. Just make sure your filtration can keep up with the bioload. I assure you that he will eat again soon. Zebra eels can go on hunger strikes after a move due to stress but don't be concerned, they can live for a long time without eating. My zebra didn't eat anything for over 2 months when I got him. You can also try some krill or silversides and dose his meals with vitamins once a week.
Also I don't recommend using a coat hanger as mentioned above or anything else that can corrode or impale the eel while you feed. I like using plastic tongs or large zip ties to feed, so I'm sure you can find something that will work. It looks like you've got a pretty healthy eel there, so I'm sure you're not gonna have any problems. Once again, good luck to ya!


Thanks guys, I think I'll keep him and maybe in a few months I'll put him in my 150gal. I've been thinking of selling the 2 tangs I have, just waiting for warmer weather before I do it. So the zebra will go in the big tank once they're gone.

crypt keeper

Active Member
sweet! they are great community eels. The person before you took care of it. Good luck. Dont stress on it eating. My Sfe went on two 14 plus days of refusing to eat.


Yep, he already ate this afternoon. I dangled a piece of shrimp in front of him and he grabbed it.


This guy is pretty darn cool! At first I didn't know if I'd like him because I'm usually not into eels. They usually just hide in the rocks and all you see is their head popping out. But this zebra seems to be more social. He comes out completely when someone's next to the tank, does all sorts of cool stuff, very entertaining to watch.


Originally Posted by RCreations
This guy is pretty darn cool! At first I didn't know if I'd like him because I'm usually not into eels. They usually just hide in the rocks and all you see is their head popping out. But this zebra seems to be more social. He comes out completely when someone's next to the tank, does all sorts of cool stuff, very entertaining to watch.
Hes also pretty darn big to XD
But yes you were lucky to get one of the Active ones and they are very fun to watch