Zenia vs Frogspawn


Active Member
Just added a Frogspawn to the my DT and looks like it's combating my Zenia, I'm going to move it, but it looks like the Zenia has won in the "sting" wars, anyone else experienced this, or how far should the FS be placed from other corals.


I just found my xenia and rainbow hammer together this morning, and looks like my xenia lost out...i had to move the other stalks to a diff location, hammers pack a nasty punch but so do xenia even to the human touch! :scared:


Active Member
I would think that the frogspawn would win. but maybe not. place it far away enough so that they wont touch even when fully extended.


I know that Frogspawn can...got me once. My finger was numb for about two days....


Active Member
Frogspawn will sting and will beat xenia down with no problem. My neighbor who's tank is a xenia haven grows around the frogspawn. He also told me one time that he developed a rash after his arm brushed through the frogspawn. My frogspawn is kept isolated but my hammer isn't and likes to sting my elephant ear....stupid feeder tentacles