Zoa lighting


I have a 250w 20k bulb and 2 ?w flourecent on my 55g. Is this to much light for zoas?
Also my green star pollyp has stopped coming out is this because of the light all my chemistry is fine.


Active Member
I have 2 X 250watt MH's and 220 watt's VHO over a 72 bow front. I have all kinds of zoo's and a couple different GSP's. They are all fine. GSP will stop coming out from time to time. They can stay hidden for a pretty long time with no damage.


Active Member
BTW, most of my zoo's are near the bottom of the aquarium. Although the one's I've had higher have done fine. Usually, zoo's that I buy that were under anything less than MH's end up looking much better in my tank.