Zoanthid frags


how is everyone i am looking to setup another tank primarily to study zoanthids/polythoas. i am looking for all kind of frags if you have anything that is ready to go please contact me with pics. thanks for your time . i hope we can do business ...


not exactly your deffinition of study but i just wanna put as many together as possible and see what grows the fastest and how many different color morphs i can get.. just a new project i wanna try


oh that would be pretty cool....you could actually make it very scientic if you could get true genus species but really the only way to keep up with growth rate would be to keep head count...but it would be cool to see if you could come up with any hybrids or morphs


just another one of my crazy ideas. i have some stuff coming from e-bay and a bunch coming from garf...i also have a bunch here from my other tanks so i will be off to good start. i hope to get some hybrids and some crazy color renditions never seen before.thanks


if your looking for FAST growers i have some Zmat and to my experiance its the fastest i have ever seen, will over grow your pretty ones in a few days hahahaha and these arnt pretty ones they are brown with army green skrits hahaha


Active Member
Sounds like a great project. Maybe try different lightings too over the course of time and documemt the color changes with each lighting set-up.