Zoa's FS


Active Member
25-30 polyps for 25.00 / the picture shows the whole colony, not the 25-30 polyp frag

25 polyps for 35.00/ the pic is of the whole colony


Active Member
yea I believe the first one is Joe and the second one Frank...... sorry I couldn't resist
I never was big on "names" it seems everyone calls them buy their own names, I have seen the second one referred to as "Radio active Dragon eye"
and the first one i really don't know . Sorry, I hope that wont stop you from buying them


Active Member
I will sell the whole piece of zoa #1 for 75.00 that is approx 150-200 heads, the rock is about 3 1/2 inch long x 2 1/2 inch wide. The zoo's go almost all the way around the rock. Hate to sound like I am selling cars
but this will only be for 2-days until I start fragging it. After that the frag price will be the only option. Thanks for looking!!


Active Member
Thank's...If I sell enough maybe I can get some more of you'r ric's
The ones I got are doing great!!! they are spreading out so much i had to place rocks next to them so they would have somewhere to go


Active Member
Call em starlight madness. HAHAHA. Or NWDYR 1. HAHA pretty original right ? I know i am so funny. Then you could like sell them for crazy prices once they have a name. I dont like all this name stuff eiither cuz it makes the corals be too much to afford but i like to know what my stuff is called to just for my own benefit. i dont sell any of my things just like to be able to tell my friends hey i got this coral called blah bla blah and it comes from wherever they come from and people are like wow nice.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blazin2k6
Call em starlight madness. HAHAHA. Or NWDYR 1. HAHA pretty original right ? I know i am so funny. Then you could like sell them for crazy prices once they have a name. I dont like all this name stuff eiither cuz it makes the corals be too much to afford but i like to know what my stuff is called to just for my own benefit. i dont sell any of my things just like to be able to tell my friends hey i got this coral called blah bla blah and it comes from wherever they come from and people are like wow nice.
Yea I will call them poracila dorapotoria placeda..... and the price is 100.00 per polyop yea yea thats it!


Active Member
others are being sold here for 2.00 per polyp , I am not being a wise guy here...but whats wrong with mine
reallly can someone tell me why I am not selling these , my Radioactive dragon eyes look the same if not better then the others I am seeing that are selling for twice as much
I am sooo sorry if I sound like a


New Member
Originally Posted by nwdyr
others are being sold here for 2.00 per polyp , I am not being a wise guy here...but whats wrong with mine
reallly can someone tell me why I am not selling these , my Radioactive dragon eyes look the same if not better then the others I am seeing that are selling for twice as much
I am sooo sorry if I sound like a

If it means anything to you I would buy them but im flat broke

stupid economy and gas prices!!!!