

Anyone feed their fish Zoe supplement with thier food? I just started soaking the food with Zoe, I was just wondering how oftern I should feed them the food soaked with Zoe. Is too much bad for them? Or should I just give it to them everytime I feed them?


Active Member
I soak most of my food in zoe...then, every once in a while i soak food in garlic as an immune booster....you do not need to feed zoe soaked food EVERY time. However, I do feed Zoe soaked food much more often then I feed garlic soaked food.

addicted 1

New Member
I feed my porcupine puffer, freeze dried krill soaked in Zoe. My lfs said that if I failed to soak the krill it would tend to "bind up" the fish. I feed him twice a day. He is fat, healthy and happy