Zoo Experts!!!


Active Member
OK, I'm going to a "frag" meeting this weekend and someone has a 10 polyp zoo for sale for $40. It's the Tube's Blue Zoas. Is it worth the money? I'm about ready to tell the guy "I'll take it!" But I want to make sure it's the correct asking price. I need to know ASAP! Thanks!



Those Tubs are definitely worth the money!
I see people sell 5 polyp frags for upwards of 80.00!
Nice find!


Active Member
I was going to tell you, "Uh yeah jump on it, if you don't I will" Then it dawned on me, I am at my Mom's house right now in Mesa, so how about you post the information where you are going to get them and I will go check them out for you.........
Yeah, try getting those past airport security.

BTW, I bought some of the Tubs zoos and they are pretty small polyps. So 10 frags will not be very big, also depending on your lighitng will effect how they look. But as will all things in this hobby you are not buying it for now, you are buying it for how it will look down the road.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scotts
I was going to tell you, "Uh yeah jump on it, if you don't I will" Then it dawned on me, I am at my Mom's house right now in Mesa, so how about you post the information where you are going to get them and I will go check them out for you.........
Yeah, try getting those past airport security.

BTW, I bought some of the Tubs zoos and they are pretty small polyps. So 10 frags will not be very big, also depending on your lighitng will effect how they look. But as will all things in this hobby you are not buying it for now, you are buying it for how it will look down the road.
Oh, I understand. I have very tiny Neon Green Zoos and they are hard to see at the moment, but they are growing, has doubled in size so I know in about 1 year that rock is going to look beautiful. My Monster Lips are a good size and they have also doubled their polyps.

Sending you a pm right now. Hey, maybe you should come over and check out my tank in person.


Active Member
Well, I left a message for the person selling them. So I hope he gets back to me and says they are mine. I'm also trying to pick up a $10 Birds Nest frag!


Active Member
Thats a sweet deal
My blues are the smaller ones, the rock was 90. It has alot on the rock, but like i said, they are the smaller blues, tubs get bigger then mine will. Oh yeah, remember who has the unknown coral you like when its time to frag those zoos


Active Member
40 is to big for me...i have a problem paying that much for just a frag...but if you love em go for it!


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
Oh yeah, remember who has the unknown coral you like when its time to frag those zoos

It's a deal.