zoo id


The zoes in the center bottom picture are pinker in person. some of the centers are a brighter pink and some are muted. Thanks for your help in advance! Enjoy playing "name that zoo"! hahahaha!


No name is uniform for any of them. I have two of the different colonies you showed. Some say Eagle Eye, some say Dragon Eye, some just red for the red ones. Some just say Green rimmed with Orange Eyes for those. I go with the color rather than the fancy shmancy names cause you will only see those when you see them for sale. The bi color are apparently more rare than the solid, but that I think is only true for the more flourescent colors. Browns and drabs are way more common than the ones you have. At the same time, nobody will possibly agree with any given name until the world ends. lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by REEFER545
At the same time, nobody will possibly agree with any given name until the world ends. lol

isnt that the truth.


Active Member
So many people call the same zoa like 15 different names theres no point in bothering to figure out what its called. Give one of your zoas a nice name, then try to sell it for $20 a polyp, thats all that the people do with the really "rare" zoas.


thanks so much everyone. I just hate to offer trades with anyone and call them something they're not, ya know? I have a few I need to frag before the fall off and get caught in the sump. LOL! I appreciate your help.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fedukeford
So many people call the same zoa like 15 different names theres no point in bothering to figure out what its called. Give one of your zoas a nice name, then try to sell it for $20 a polyp, thats all that the people do with the really "rare" zoas.
go to http://www.zoaid.com This web site has become the center for zoa names. They don't sell zoas but a place where collectors go.
Yes you will see the same zoa with 15 different names, but at least you can match them up and go with a "standard".
It like the saying "a rose by any other name"
Yes, sellers love to use the terms "rare" or "hard to find" " "these sell for X amount per polyp at your LFS"
Having a site that a lot of keepers use to find the name of a certain zoa helps a lot and helps stamp out other names because a seller like their name better.
In reality a names brings more money, why? because a keeper can say I have "X" zoas


Hmmmm, makes sense. I just don't want to trade someone and say I have "X" zoas to trade, when in actuality, it's not what they are. I checked this site last night and couldnt figure them out. oh well. Guess I'll just post pics. LOL! Thank You!


Active Member
way i see it call them whatever the poo ya want...if the person sees a picture theyll know what it is in their mind...its the People eaters right now that are going mad...anything attached to that watch out, skyrocket prices--but just show the pics and thatll be good enough