Originally Posted by
So many people call the same zoa like 15 different names theres no point in bothering to figure out what its called. Give one of your zoas a nice name, then try to sell it for $20 a polyp, thats all that the people do with the really "rare" zoas.
go to
http://www.zoaid.com This web site has become the center for zoa names. They don't sell zoas but a place where collectors go.
Yes you will see the same zoa with 15 different names, but at least you can match them up and go with a "standard".
It like the saying "a rose by any other name"
Yes, sellers love to use the terms "rare" or "hard to find" " "these sell for X amount per polyp at your LFS"
Having a site that a lot of keepers use to find the name of a certain zoa helps a lot and helps stamp out other names because a seller like their name better.
In reality a names brings more money, why? because a keeper can say I have "X" zoas