zoo med pumps??


Active Member
just wondering if any one had these pumps Iam thinking on getting a couple zoo med powerseep wavemaker 228 with 270 gph i think the moving head be nice for movement instead of the head shooting at the same spot just wanted some input..


Active Member
From what I've heard.... once they get salt creep buildup they stop working. (the sweeping motion that is) :D


Don't bother they stop sweeping after a couple of months if your lucky for them to last that long. Now mine are in my spare parts box.


I have 4 and all work great. I only have them about 4 months, So maybee I will inherit some problems but right now they are great.


Active Member
the pump is fine. but they often stop sweeping after you get them- i have been lucky and i have had one for 2 years and if functions perfectly and i have only cleaned it 4 or 5 times


Active Member
cool- the pump its self functions great- but when you need to, the lower casing comes off to reveal the two gears, that is where you want to clean. also if they have that little air siphon tube that comes with them- dont use it