ZOO Question


New Member
I bought a cleanup crew and they went to work on some zoos. They have been closed now for over 3 1/2 weeks. Are they dead or will they open again?


Active Member
Zoanthids are very resiliant. Given proper lighting and water conditions, they'll open up once they are comfortable and don't feel threatened by the clean up crew.
For what it's worth, I recently set up a new reef with live rock from established systems. There are now zoanthids thriving on parts of the rock that were buried in the reef structure for who knows how long.


The cleann-up crew will not have hurt them unless they were already dead. They were probably picking at algae etc on the polyps.
However, I would have expected them to open by now...so it makes me think that there is something going on that the zoanthids are not happy about.
What kind of light are they in? What kind of flow? (I am assuming your parameters are OK)
Also if you can, snap a pic...that might help as well.


Zoanthids must be pretty moody. I have an entire rock of them that have not been open for almost two weeks now. For the life of me, I can't figure out why. The thing that puzzles me the most is there are zoos in the same area all around this rock that are doing just fine. :thinking:


Originally Posted by fromjuan
I bought a cleanup crew and they went to work on some zoos. They have been closed now for over 3 1/2 weeks. Are they dead or will they open again?
Zoos are usually fine if they are not open. But if you see a white film starting to grow on them, I would concerned. :yes:


The one thing I notice when my zoas are not opening (assuming water quality is OK etc.) is that they are baout to "spread". It may just be me, but they act slightly funny for a week or so, then they open up and there are alot more.
I assume it has something to do with storing energy to allow for the groweth, or something like that, but this could explain your clsoed zoas?
Otherwise, I would look for something annoying them - water quality, lack of flow in that specific location as opposed to the other nearby colonies, nudis, sundial snails, etc.


Wow, that's sure interesting. I hope that's the case. Here's a pic from February with the zoos open on the rock I'm talking about:


(I've killed the anenomes by the way). Here's the same rock now. Note the zoos all around that are perfectly happy. I don't see any signs of deterioration. They're just closed. I've messed with the flow to no avail. The top pic is the back of the rock, and the bottom pic is the front of the rock.:



Why soy-tenly

Thanks for the compliment. There've been many revsions over the last few months. Rocks and corals have come and gone. Nothing died, but if I found something I liked better I gave the displaced pieces to my son. The top pic is from February, and the bottom pic is current.



Active Member
Really nice funkyman. Looks like you are really liking zoos, huh? I see a lot of colonies. :D



Originally Posted by funkyman
(I've killed the anenomes by the way). Here's the same rock now. Note the zoos all around that are perfectly happy. I don't see any signs of deterioration. They're just closed. I've messed with the flow to no avail. The top pic is the back of the rock, and the bottom pic is the front of the rock.:

The colony is not doing to good. Sorry to tell you this.


How can you tell? What signs indicate that? Please let me know.
Thanks for the compliments. I didn't mean to thread jack here. It's pretty much a zoo dominated tank. I love them. There are also some red, blue, and aqua shrooms, a green cinarian brain, a colony of green star ployps, and three different ricordeas. If I get some time this weekend, I'll post a thread with close ups.
If I ever start another smaller tank, I would probably make it a ric tank. I like those just as much. You just don't see them too much around here.