Zoo's Question.



Will zoo's/paly's that have morphed/faded to dull colors change back if I upgrade my lighting?
I'm in the process of going from Pc's to T5's and was just wondering if they would improve?

scopus tang

Active Member
Did they actually morph or did the color just change under your lighting? Several of us have noticed as we trade corals back and forth, that the corals take on different colors under different lights. Some will also morph or change color under different lights as well, thats why I'm asking? If they've actually morphed once, than they may morph again under different lighting, but no guarantee that they will return to the original color ~ at least IME.


Active Member
I agree with scopas about the appearance changing under different lighting scenarios and intensities, as well as available nutrients from tank to tank differ this can have an impact on color as well. there is no gaurantee that the zoas will be the same as what they were but I would bet dollars to dougnuts that a switch from PC to t-5 will have an impact on all your corals colorations (some intense changes and some subtle) also depending on what spectrum bulbs you use.


First, thanks for the replies.
The frags pretty much looked as advertised when I first put them in my tank, bright colors and all, but Kind of washed out to an Brown/burnt orange kind of look over time. They didn't all do it, just like 2 of my original 11 or so. This kind of leads me to think that they declined because of the light rather than just look different. Hopefully the new HO T5's will bring them back.