

Just wondering about how fast do they grow, I mean you buy a frag of zoos that have like 5 of them on it, for like $55 and do they grow at any noticable speed. In time will you beable to frag your own zoo and trade them?


Active Member
5 for $55 seems alot.... but they'll grow probley 5-10 new polyps every couple weeks, and eventually you could start trading/selling frags


I was looking on a site today at zoo's they were selling this one zoo, for 25 bucks per poylp. crazy if you ask me.


Active Member
I have alot of different colors, it seems they all grow at different rates, and it also seems the really cool looking ones grow much slower. It also depends alot on the light they are receiving and water quality etc. I would say my fastest growing zoas grow 10-15 polyps a month??? Every tank is going to vary greatly. Good luck
efish :happyfish nsea


Active Member
My LFS has a few "remnant" cubes that he keeps for a "your choice $5", "your choice $10" etc...very cool. Little pieces of zoo and ric and what-not that he has fragged..
In good conditions, they do grow quickly. Zoos are probably the simplest to grow? May seem slow, but after 3 years of the same 55 gal, seems like lightening.
We got our first frags about 2 wks ago and I thought I lost them twice (literally couldn't find them) but they are obvious now.
I'd say try it.


these zoos, are they easy to maintain? i mean, i only have FOWLR tank... is it a good idea to buy these?