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  1. carrie1429

    fish keep dying, I've had enough

    for some reason I can't seem to keep any fish alive except for one little clownfish and a blue damsel. Anything else I get never makes it out of the quarantine tank. About 2 days ago I bought a 60$ pair of banner fish that I put in the QT. My water parameters are fine: Ph: 8.2 ammonia:0...
  2. carrie1429

    Angelfish died, why?

    I had a bi-color angelfish for about two months, he seemed very healthy no signs of ilness he ate very well. I fed him one day then the next day no sign of him, I searched all over and finally found the hermits eating what was left of him. My tank has been setup for 7 months with well...
  3. carrie1429

    Something eating my curli-q?

    I've had a curli-q anemone for about 5 months and its been doing very well and had nice long tentacles (is that the right word for it?:confused: ) but now it looks like somebody gave it a trim. The only thing new that I added to my tank are a few peppermint shrimp, do they eat curli-qs?
  4. carrie1429

    Liquid Ph buffer

    I was looking at the LFS today and found a product called liquid marine buffer by Seachem. Its supposed to raise the Ph level to 8.3 within a few days. Anybody know if it works?
  5. carrie1429

    Brighter fixture for eclipse?

    I have a 100 gal eclipse system that I want to make a reef. The lights that I have now are 80 watt blue grow lights and just regular white flourescent lights. These lights I know aren't bright enough to keep anemones or anything so I was wondering if I could replace the light fixture in the...
  6. carrie1429

    Missing Shrimp

    I am having a problem with my shrimp always dissapearing. I'll buy a cleaner shrimp or peppermint and within a couple days they dissapear without a trace. I would really like to keep a shrimp for more than a few days and I don't have any ideas as to why they keep dissapearing. Any help would...
  7. carrie1429

    Algae on sand

    Hi, I have a 26 gallon tank thats been setup for 7 months and now its starting to get this dark purple algae all over the LS. Its like in clumps all over the sand. really doesn't look that good either. Anybody know what it is or how to get rid of it? Thanks for any input :)
  8. carrie1429

    Lazy Brittlestar

    I bought a large green brittle star about 3 days ago. After I accumulated him into the tank he went behind a rock and hasn't moved from that location yet. I know he's still alive because he'll occasionally move his legs but other than that he just sits there. I had a red brittle before and he...
  9. carrie1429

    Ammonia won't go down

    My new 100 gal tank has been cycling with LR, LS, and established water from my other salt tank and it seems that its not cycling right. The 2nd day I had it set up the ammonia went up and the next day it was at .50 It stayed that way for a couple days then it jumped down to .25 Now it has...
  10. carrie1429

    Eclipse hood

    My new tank that I bought has two eclispe hoods. Each has a double light fixture and I wanted to take one of the bulbs out and replace it with a blue actinic(sp?) bulb. On the hood it says to use up to 18 watt bulbs and the blue one is a 20 watt. Safe to put in the 20 watt?
  11. carrie1429

    Good deal on new tank?

    Ok I just bought a 100 gal eclipse sytem with matching stand and canopy with double light fixture and two bio wheel filters. All for $400 brand new, good deal? Tank is 5 ft long 20in high and 14 in wide.
  12. carrie1429

    Decorator crab?

    Anyone have any info on these guys, reef safe, good with other inverts? I want your personal experience with them. I was thinking about getting one for my tank and any info would be great.:D Thanks
  13. carrie1429


    Does anyone know if you can use hyposalinity for treament for amyloodinium? Since ich and oodinium are kind of similar in which both cause white colored spots. Just wondering.
  14. carrie1429

    Compatable corals?

    I'm asking this question for a friend, are these corals compatiable in a 10gal: Bali Xenia Red sea Xenia Sun polyps Candy cane coral Red open brain What are your comments on this combination?
  15. carrie1429

    Butterfly or Tang?

    Ok somehow I got my mom to agree to me getting another salt tank, amazingly:D And I am getting around a 75-100 gal tank (FOWLR) and I know I either want a yellow tang or a long nosed butterfly, I didn't think I could have both right? Anyway what fish would you go with? Or if anyone has any...
  16. carrie1429

    Floating anemone?

    Hi, I'm asking this question for someone else. They have a lime green anemone that looks fine but it is like floating at the top of the water and seems to have a lot of air in it. Anyone know whats wrong with it?
  17. carrie1429

    Feeding Corals

    Simple question, how do you feed corals? Or a better question , what do you feed them, or do you just put something in the water or what? I don't have any corals yet for my nano reef but I am trying to find out a lot about them before buying any. Does anyone know of a good site that gives a...
  18. carrie1429

    Mated pair of clowns breaking up

    I have two false percula clowns that I thought were a mated pair. I got them when they were real young and have had them for almost 5 months. In that time they would always hang out together and it is clear now which one is the female. They always got along great and did the mating dance...
  19. carrie1429

    Star for reef

    I am planning on starting a nano reef and what starfish could I keep. I know some stars will eat stuff out of the sand and the rocks and things but what kind of starts are reef safe, brittle stars? My tank is only 5 gallons so I need something small if I can keep anything.
  20. carrie1429

    Nano reef filteration?

    I am starting a nano reef in my regent 5. The tank has a bio wheel filter with it. I was told that nano reefs don't need a filter, do you just use biological filteration then?