Search results

  1. maryjane66979

    Niger trigger help

    ive had my niger for about 3 1/2 yrs. the last 3 weeks or so he has not been eating and acting as if he has lost sence of smell/sight bumping into everything if he comes out of the rocks at all. most of the time he is wedged in the rocks. he looks healthy eyes are clear coloring is normal but he...
  2. maryjane66979

    Niger trigger help

    ive had my niger for about 3 1/2 yrs. the last 3 weeks or so he has not been eating and acting as if he has lost sence of smell/sight bumping into everything if he comes out of the rocks at all. most of the time he is wedged in the rocks. he looks healthy eyes are clear coloring is normal but he...
  3. maryjane66979

    clown eggs!

    my little guys laid some eggs (sorry cant get a good pic) from what i understand they will be eatin by my other fish, what would it take to try and raise these when or if they hatch as well as how long after being laid do they hatch?
  4. maryjane66979

    whats the trick to not getting bit??

    lately my niger trigger has became rather aggressive every time i put my hand in the tank he tries to get me, he's fine with all my other fish as well as my CUC, other tank mates are 2 clowns, yellow tang, starry blenny, 2 chromis, 3 stripe damsel, flame angel, purple pseudo, assorted hermits...
  5. maryjane66979


    i just so happend to get super lucky and scored a FREE 240g tank/stand my plan now is to move everything from both my 90g tanks into the tank is semi reef, 2 clowns, 1 blenny, 1 pseudochromis, cb shrimp, cleaner shrimp, hermits, nem, zoas, shrooms, leathers, xenia...the other tank has...
  6. maryjane66979

    Anemone shrimp or crab?????

    ive been think for about a year now id like to add a anemone shrimp or crab maybe a sexy shrimp to my tank....will my clowns who already host my anemone try to kill one of these little guys?
  7. maryjane66979

    bacterial infection yellow tang

    ive had my yellow tang for 2 1/2 yrs. did a water change the other day (3 days ago) noticed the red blotches on him the next day. is it ok to treat him in the DT?
  8. maryjane66979

    why so mean???

    ive had a starry blenny for a few months now lately he bites me everytime i put my hand in the tank, this is my first blenny so im not sure if its normal for this guy to attack me every chance he gets. anyone have a starry and how can i go about not getting bit. thanks.
  9. maryjane66979

    triggers and CUC?

    what could i put in my tank for a CUC with 2 triggers? my triggers are about 2" rectangle and 3" niger.
  10. maryjane66979

    ID please

      sorry the pics are not so great, this is my first SPS what should i know? in the last two pics are some shrooms ive had for over a year and have never grown till recently getting them under MH, if someone knows the name that would be great cause id like to find some more. thanks
  11. maryjane66979

    is it safe?

    is it safe to put a longnose butterfly in a tank with a niger and rectangle trigger?
  12. maryjane66979

    is this Lymphocyctis?

    just got this emp. angle yesterday once i got him home i seen what looks like lymphocytis by its gills on the left side. i have him in a 40 gal QT what do i need to do if anything?
  13. maryjane66979

    Staghorn Hermit Crab....

    does anyone have one of these little guys? are they hard to care for? seen a couple at one of my LFS but have read other places that they can be hard to care for. any info would be great.
  14. maryjane66979


    how long should snails live? ive had my snails for about 2 yrs. but over the last few months they are slowly dieing off.
  15. maryjane66979

    is this brown jelly disease?

    woke up to my plate coral with what looks like something has been picking at its side and what looks like brown stringy poop type stuff coming from this spot. it is still puffing up and eating. should i do an iodine dip or leave it and see what it looks like tomarrow? sorry pics are not great...
  16. maryjane66979

    what supplements should i use?

    i'm just starting to get into corals in my 40g, in my tank as of now are Xenia, Neon plate, Cabbage leather, Zoos, Shrooms, Sebae nem, fish, crabs, shrimp, i've been using "reef solution" this is what my LFS said to use (only this) is this ok or should i be using something else/more?
  17. maryjane66979

    a little help

    had my water tested on both tanks 90g and 40g traits are high on both and ph low on both i was told to cut back on my feeding (was everyday 1 frozen cube for both tanks half and almost half now 1 cube every other day) phos was high in my 90g that is almost at zero now (thats my semi reef) its...
  18. maryjane66979

    niger trigger with a nem???

    heres the deal i just got a niger for my fish only tank which at this point only has a small SFE and 2 cromis im thinking of switching tanks/tankmates from my 90g which is a semi reef in my 90 is a very large seabae nem when it is fully open is huge and stinging my zoos and leathers (which i...
  19. maryjane66979

    bamboo shark hatchling

    ok i was at one of my LFS yesterday and in the new stock tanks were the cutest smallest bamboo sharks (4) i talked to the guy there and he says one of these little guys would be fine in my 40g till i get my 210g moved and cycled. he says i could have this shark in a 40g for at least 6 mo. i...
  20. maryjane66979

    Crinoid Squat Lobster

    does anyone have one of these guys? are the reef safe?