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  1. fixitdude2001

    Live Rock

    Stack ours very very carefully so they dont tumble into glass..cya ..fixit <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />
  2. fixitdude2001

    Stupid question/maybe

    Hi broomer5. Ya I pitched it before I whent to get my daughter from church, I am on here ever so often, I just get tired of all the games that go on , sometimes they are humerous but many times not. but I guess it will always continue. will be trying to get on more each day, depends on how I...
  3. fixitdude2001

    Mandrian Goby eating Anemone

    Sorry to hear of your losses, I tell ya the best thing to keep your fish out of the anenome is a clown fish,as long as the clown takes to the anenome, we have a pair of clarkies that no one gets near it. Even if I get close to the anenome the female charges me and sometimes bites. and as far as...
  4. fixitdude2001

    Stupid question/maybe

    Ok, this is the only time we have ever had a problem with hair algae or nusiance algae and it was all brought on by the temp increase from the vho's. since we are turning it into a reef this weekend our kole tang, and all the reef critters we have along with the four lawn mower blennies, should...
  5. fixitdude2001

    Stupid question/maybe

    Ok all, as blueberry posted, we are turning our 200 into our reef, and the 72 into our aggresive. As you know we had a heat problem and added chillers to the systems, and they work great. But do to the heat in the 200 we grew excessive hair algea. We don't want this in the new reef, so we worked...
  6. fixitdude2001

    Valentini Puffer

    We have had a valentinie in with our snowflake for over a year with no problems, until, the little guy for some reason jumped out of the tank onto the glass under the canopy[sad day] no idea why because he was a very sociable fish and got along with everyone. And never ever seen anyone chase...
  7. fixitdude2001

    anyone useing a chiller...?

    Thanks all, I placed my order today and they will be here friday. I got a 1/5 horse aqua-logic in line for the reef and a 1/4 horse aqua-logic probe for the 200 gallon. since we do a lot of business with this guy he through in a controller for each unit[cool] saved me a couple hundred...
  8. fixitdude2001

    anyone useing a chiller...?

    Thanks guys,this room is all carpet and I did worry about the extra chance of a leak,but we have 4 setups in our family room and whats one more potential hazard. I like the idea of not haveing to have it right next to the tank tho. with all the watts from our tanks alone we are running 1920...
  9. fixitdude2001

    anyone useing a chiller...?

    Thanks anthem, just what I wanted ,good imput. Thanks again...fixit :)
  10. fixitdude2001

    anyone useing a chiller...?

    Ok everyone we are looking into a chiller for our reef, now that the weather is getting warmer and, the new vho's are makeing the water temp higher than the pc's did last summer we are looking into a chiller. The question is this, do you prefer the probe type or the inline models. Just would...
  11. fixitdude2001

    anyone useing a chiller...?

    Ok everyone we are looking into a chiller for our reef, now that the weather is getting warmer and, the new vho's are makeing the water temp higher than the pc's did last summer we are looking into a chiller. The question is this, do you prefer the probe type or the inline models. Just would...
  12. fixitdude2001

    yellow headed gobie

    Dont worry yet,we have lost track of ours for weeks at a time in our 200 gallon, then all of a sudden there it is sifting sand like crazy. it should be ok if water is in good shape,and there is places for it to hide.cya..fixit :)
  13. fixitdude2001

    Lighting increasing tank temp

    The temp flux is actually more like it would be in the wild. As the sun goes up the temp of the water goes up. You wont create ick if its not in youre tank allready. you might get some stress spots from drastic changes if things happen to quickly....fixit :)
  14. fixitdude2001

    Lighting increasing tank temp

    What is the temp with the light on? if it does get to warm over 84-85 then you might have to either lift the lights off the glass a couple of inches or add a fan or two. I know this sounds warm but I run four different setups and our reef goes as high as 86 with no problems. fixit :)
  15. fixitdude2001

    EEL in Reef??

    Hi, we had our snowflake in our reef for about 9 monthes and got tired of him collapsing our rock structures, ours would go under the rocks and swish his tail and eventually the rocks would tumble once all the sand was removed. We did move him to our two hundred gallon with only live rock and LS...
  16. fixitdude2001

    Green Crab eating corals

    Sorry to hear the problems with crabs. Well I would not have a reef without emeralds. these guys are my favs and do a good thing I would like to get out of our reef , are the brittle stars that we recieved with our cleanup crew, not that they are not intresting but I have lost all of our...
  17. fixitdude2001

    Mechanical or Skimmer?

    Superdust, In our reef , I use no mechanical at all. No floss,no carbon,no pads. The only thing I run is my SKIMMER. The live rock and sand does all my filtration and, the skimmer removes all the organic waste. After monthes of doing my tank this way I have found so many new critters and so much...
  18. fixitdude2001

    Tank Cycling

    Also, what is your substrate? If it is live sand and you have cured liverock allready you might see little or no cycle at all....fixit :)
  19. fixitdude2001

    Bubble Coral not opening up all the way??

    Silversides fed at night when only attinics are on works good for us, they shrink down and mouth becomes visable, have tried crab meat, sguid, and all it does is spit it out, the only thing ours keeps down is the silversides, and the next day he is hudge....fixit ;) also wanted to add...
  20. fixitdude2001

    Overflow set-up problems

    Welcome to the board nicole, If you think your return is to fast, hear is a cheap way to control your return water, get a pvc valve [very cheap] put it at the water draw end[not the return end] this way you dont damadge your pump, your pump can then be regulated by the amount of water going...