Search results

  1. Tony Jacot

    Cause for concern?

    Was just wondering if this bristle worm is gonna harm any coral or fish? I've had this same guy in there since i started the tank 15 months ago and he set up shop on one particular rock away from corals. Now that hes not benefiting from my "over feeding" ive seen him move about a little more in...
  2. Tony Jacot

    Would Phytoplankton replace spot feeding my duncan coral or any other coral?

    Im just curious if i start "dosing" with phyto do i still need to spot feed certain corals?
  3. Tony Jacot

    Safe to remove Bioballs?

    Im in the process of changing out my mechanical filtration. I was wondering if its safe to remove the rest of my bioballs and go ahead and switch to reticulated foam a poly filter on top of that and chemi-pure elite for the chemical filtration. I have a 29 gallon bio-cube with about 35lbs of...
  4. Tony Jacot

    How well will my hammer and frogpawn corals grow under stock Biocube lights?

    Just curious if anyone has had any luck with hammer,frogspawn, or duncans in their biocubes. Im currently using the stock lighting that came with biocube and the tank is about 15 months old. Corals seem happy but im just not seeing any rapid growth from any of the "rapidly" growing corals. I run...
  5. Tony Jacot

    When to check parameters?

    Simple but often over looked question: When do you guys usually check all of your parameters of your tanks? I usually keep up with my salinity every week with water changes but was wondering how often and when do you all do a ph, alk , phosphate, nitrate test?
  6. Tony Jacot

    My first nano reef 1 year in

    Hello all! Im new to the forums and new to reefing so any thoughts or ideas on my nano reef would be greatly appreciated!!