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  1. M

    75 gallon Stock list

    I will definitely have to look into it. I also had a question about how to shorten my cycle period. Could I just move everything from the old tank into the new one? I also need to obviously add new rock. I use the carib sea dry live rock. is there a way to add it to the existing tank without...
  2. M

    75 gallon Stock list

    Ok, I was unsure about the correct size for the butterflies. Every site had different tank requirements. And as for the cardinal; I have tried it twice with unsatisfactory results. They are just too sensitive. So I wouldn't be heart broken without it. I didn't put a wrasse on my list because I...
  3. M

    75 gallon Stock list

    Hello, I currently have a 40gallon breeder FOWLR tank. I am upgrading to a 75gal tank. My current stock list is 2 percula clowns, 1 watchman, 1 firefish, 1 engineer goby and a nassarius snail. I am looking to potentially add a few more fish and wanted some input. The fish I am looking at are...
  4. M

    Cleanup crew recommendations

    She was only exposed for a few seconds. She was put back in saltwater and then died thirty minutes later
  5. M

    Cleanup crew recommendations

    She did end up dying within 30 minutes of exposure
  6. M

    Cleanup crew recommendations

    I was removing my castle decoration from my tank to be cleaned and did not realize that my cleaner shrimp was hiding inside. How likely is a cleaner shrimp to die if he/she is exposed to a few seconds of freshwater?
  7. M

    40 Gallon Stock List

    I am attaching some pics of my tank set up. I will more than likely add more live rock within the next few months.
  8. M

    New 55 gal set-up

    Thanks for all the advice. I did end up getting a baby engineer goby and a watchman goby. They love digging in and around my live rock cave. I also added some more live rock (about 10lbs) and plan to add even more soon.
  9. M

    40 Gallon Stock List

    Also, I have started to notice my female clown has been bullying the smaller male. She rams him. I haven't noticed any damage to his fins, but it looks like he has a small indent/mark on his face. I know the female needs to assert her dominance; but I also do not want her to harm my male. Should...
  10. M

    40 Gallon Stock List

    What about the inverts?
  11. M

    40 Gallon Stock List

    Hi everyone, I also am starting a new tank. I have a 40 gallon breeder. I am trying to figure out my stockiest. I currently have 2 Oscellaris Clownfish, a firefish, a engineer goby. Inverts: 2 turbo snails and a bumblebee snail. I am thinking of getting: -1 bengali cardinal -1 flame angel or...
  12. M

    New 55 gal set-up

    The engineer goby was the next best thing for me. I currently have about 40lbs of live rock. It doesnt look like there is that much, but there is. I do plan on adding more, I just didn't plan on stacking it [all the live rock sits directly on the glass bottom], as I was hoping to get the...
  13. M

    New 55 gal set-up

    Is there any other type of fish that you would recommend that looks like an eel? I know my tank is too small for an eel; but I was hoping for something similar to give my tank some variety. Plus I have always wanted an eel or at least a look alike.
  14. M

    New 55 gal set-up

  15. M

    New 55 gal set-up

    Thank you. My tank has fully cycled, and I have already added my two clowns and firefish. My sand bed is 3-4in and I have a lovely live rock cave for the engineer goby. I do not plan on adding the mandarin for at least 6 more months. I want to add a considerable amount of copepods and set up a...
  16. M

    New 55 gal set-up

    I have just started a 40gal Breeder tank and was looking to stock it with: 2 clownfish (oscellaris) 1 firefish 1 bangaii cardinal 1 flame angel or royal gramma 1 mandarin and maybe 1 yellow watchmen goby Is there also any type of fish that looks like an engineer goby/or eel...