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  1. susie&jeran

    ID help.

    Can someone help me ID the new critters in my tank? I'm not able to get any photos due to their size so I will do my best to describe them. 1.) We think these might be copepods of some sort. They are are tiny little white things that you can barely see, but the larger ones almost resemble the...
  2. susie&jeran

    1st monthly clean up

    I was told that we are supposed to change & clean filters once a month - so we're about to do our first monthly change & I was wondering what all exactly should we be changing (filter wise & such) and if there is anything else that you suggest we should do monthly (we already do 10% water...
  3. susie&jeran

    whats up w/ my snail?

    My most active snail seems to be taking a break - or at least I hope thats all it is. I've never seen him to just lay there like this for more then several hours. My water levels are perfect. PH - 8.5 Nitrite/Nitrate/Ammonia 0 - Temp 78 - Salinity 1.025. I'm just being paranoid.... right??
  4. susie&jeran

    starfish looks like crap

    I have an Orange Lankia Starfish that I've had for about a month and now he's not doing so well. One of his legs had a little chunk missing and now it's spread really bad. I thought maybe our Coral Banded Shrimp did it, but the star fish always stays at the top of the tank and I don't see our...
  5. susie&jeran


    What are the pros and cons on having a coral banded shrimp? should i worry about them eating anyone in my tank like my snails, crabs, or anemones?
  6. susie&jeran

    close to giving up!

    I have no idea how my blue hippo tang & foxface have lasted this long cause I seirously don't think I (or my husband) have a friggen clue what we're doing anymore. We thought we knew what we were doing, but..... not so sure anymore. I'm tempted to go back to FW - so much easier! So.. 2 1/2...
  7. susie&jeran

    anything i can do?

    i made a post earlier about our urchin not doing so well (his spikes are laying down flat and falling out - i was told that most likely the cause is stress because these guys are very fragile and they can't take being shipped very well - is there anything that i could to for him that won't...
  8. susie&jeran

    is he dead?

    My husband put 2 sea urchins into our tank and at first they were doing fine, but I'm a little worried about 1 of them now. I checked his water & everything is ok - temp is fine - everything is fine, but 1 of his urchins looks horrible. He stays in 1 spot and his spikes are pointing down and it...
  9. susie&jeran

    LR turning purple

    I admit I know very little about LR, but mine is starting to turn a reddish purple in some areas. Is this normal or do I have some weird kind of alge growing on it?
  10. susie&jeran

    clown fish isn't eating

    I've just now realized that I have never seen my Percula Clownfish(wild) eat since I bought him about a week to 2 weeks ago. He looks healthy even though he just hangs out in one corner. Everyone else is eating just fine. We check our water quite often and everything always turns out ok. We even...
  11. susie&jeran

    alge tips?

    Any good tips for maintaining alge control in a 55 gal tank WITHOUT having to keep the lights off all the time (sorry, but I see no point in having a tank if I have to keep the lights off - thats boring - I know it helps, but I'm looking for other options)? I have some greenish brown alge...
  12. susie&jeran

    Pink Tip Haitian Anemone

    We are thinking of buying a Pink Tip Haitian Anemone for our 55 gal. tank, but are unsure about what to feed it. It says "meaty" foods so does that mean it could possibly eat our fish? We currently have 2 clownfish 1 foxface 1 blue hippo tang 12 blue legged hermit crabs 1 lankia(sp?) starfish 1...
  13. susie&jeran

    clownfish help

    I just bought new clown fish. After acclimating them as instructed and putting them in the tank, they both stayed in one area swimming forward and backwards and breating kind of fast. I tested the water and everything came out fine. Temp. was fine. Everything was just as it should be. After...