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  1. predator

    I sold it :(

    Well guys I finally sold my 100 gallon set up. I sold the tank, stand , canopy, lights, sump, skimmer, pump. I sold most the rock and corals seperately to a select few of friends. All I have left is about 90lb of lr and 200lb of ls. I have a 45 reef ready tank set up with a 4in dsb and all the...
  2. predator

    Does this sound like a good trade to you???

    Some of you know that I have been trying to seel my entire set up as a whole. I have some friends who allow me to run adds in various papers at no charge. I had long given up on selling it. I had a few bites but all in all it was just a big cloud of smoke being blown up my butt. Anyway, someone...
  3. predator

    Over Kill???

    I am wanting to set up a loose 30 long I have. I'm wanting to get a overflow box for the tank and have alot of stuff laying around I want to use. I have a huge sump(32in long, 12in wide with all kinds of gadgets) a mag 12, a couple 3/4in lock-line Y's, and plenty of PVC pipe and angled. My...
  4. predator

    Lets try the harvested culerpa again????

    Well, I'm not exactly sure what happened to my last topic about the culerpa, but here is the question again. What are you all doing with your harvested culerpa from your refugiums? I had a sweet little deal worked out with a lfs but no more???
  5. predator

    Harvested culerpa????????

    What do you do with the culerpa you have harvested from you refugiums? I had a sweet little deal worked out with a lfs but has come to a screachinhg hault. Now, I need to pull some out and am clueless as what to do with it. Any ideas???
  6. predator

    It's been 6 months already...

    Well guys it has been 6 months since I got into this hobby. I have loved every bit of it, even the the bad times. I can honestly say I see myself being a tank owner for many, many years to come. Thank you you to all on this board who have helped me through the good and the bad. Seriuosly, THANK...
  7. predator

    Colt on the move and does not look good???

    I fragged my colt about 4 months ago and both pieces have been doing really well. Ine was left on a perfect little piece of rock. You could place it anywhere. The other had a very small piece and it was almost impossiable to put anywhere. I finallyt found a spot for the colt where it could get...
  8. predator

    I want another fish!!!

    I have a custom built 100 gallon reef. It is 3ft by 3ft by 18in with the overflow built in the center. I currently have a large yellow tang, a coral beauty,a flame angel, a pair of clarkii clowns,a banggi cardinal and a manderin goby. I am really itching to get a new fish. I want a hippo or...
  9. predator

    What "K" rating do I want for MH lighting?

    If I'mn looking for a nice white light what bulb do I want? I'm getting a 175 watt mh but am curious to know what bulb I need. I want about as white a light as I can get.
  10. predator

    Size of refugium???

    I am about to be setting up a new tank here in the near future. It will be a 180 reef ready tank from Oceanic. I am curiuos to know what size refugium I will need. I want to use a 30 long, is this big enough? I'v been trimming my culerpa and macro algea regulary and placing in a seperate tank...
  11. predator

    It was a hit!!!

    Well we had are first metting and it was fun. We have to work out a few kinks but it is off to a better start than anticipated. Everybody agreed that it should happen more than once a month, at least for now. One of the really good lfs owners said it would be cool to have some meetings there...
  12. predator

    Blue foam in skimmer?????

    I have had my skimmer off for about 3 days now. I'm tryng to see if I can run this tank with out one. But I cut it back on this evening and went out to get a bite to eat. I came in and I have blue foam???? Anybody seen this before? What could it be?
  13. predator

    Before and after pics of my refugium.

    I just put my sand in and released the culerpa I have been growing in it. I am currently in the process of making a new one, but got ancy so I beefed this one up until I get the other up and running. This one is built in my custom built, all acrylic sump. The refugium I have under constuction...
  14. predator

    Mirical Mud Refugium

    Sammy I'v decided to run with the mirical mud refugium. I'll then take the chamber in my sump that I have been using as a refugium to grow my mangrove, culerpa and macro algeas. I need some pointers as well as a check list of whats needed. And if some one could get me a link to there site then I...
  15. predator

    Adding sand to my refugium

    I wanting to add more sand to my refugium but worry abou the pods. I figured I would remove all the rock and culerpa. Then place the sand in and put everything back together. But will the pods who are still in there die? Will having sand poured on them kill them? I'm planning on doing this...
  16. predator

    I'm going to hit him with a hammer!!!!

    I get up and turn my lights on this morning, feed my fish and dose the tank. Nothing out of the ordinary. I go to the kitchen and cook breakfast and go to get my glass on the coffee table when, I see my emerald crab walking off with my seabae anemone??? My emerald body i bigger than a quarter...
  17. predator

    Prefilters on pumps???

    Do any of you use them?Not use them? I'm just wondering because I do and hate cleaning it out.
  18. predator

    Does this sound good???

    I have a removeable bioball chamber in my sump. It's a 12 by 12 by 12 box. At the top it has a filter pad and a drip plate(both removeable). Then the bio balls and a waffle insert that seves as the bottom. So I can remove the entire 12 by 12 by 12 box and take it to a really good lfs. He will...
  19. predator

    Can I add another fish???

    I have a large yellow tang, a coral beauty, a flmae angel, a manderin goby, a pair of clarkii and 2 banggi cardinals. I'm wanting to add either a blue tang or a blonde naso. Can I do it? And if so wich do you think I should get, or you have any other ideas for a fish? Keep in mind I do want a...