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  1. dewear

    Not sure about additives and effects!

    Hello everyone, I have had Saltwater tanks for over 6 years now, but I never had much luck with coral or invertebrates. My Fish only tanks are great but I am curious about adding some light corals to my tanks. I have done the research and would like to know first hand experience from everyone...
  2. dewear

    How Many Fish can I have of each?

    My 125 gallon tank is about ready for fish and I want to get some Hardy fish because it is a school tank and Money is a great concern. I personally love the Clownfish but understand that you can only keep one type in a tank. I did hear that you can introduce them at the same time with success...
  3. dewear

    New School Tank

    Okay, everyone. I have a 75 gallon tank at my house and I used regular Tap water 4 years ago and it took forever before I could get my tank under control to actually keep fish alive. Even Damsels did not make it. Of course I have learned from mistakes but now my tank at home is great. I have...
  4. dewear

    Coraline Algae gone

    Hey everyone, I have a 75 Gallon Fish only with soft corals. I have had the tank for 3 years and had bought a Compact light about a couple years ago. The bulbs have been changed, but they are now going on 8 months or so. My Coraline algae is almost if not all gone. Fish seem to be great and...
  5. dewear

    Can Someone tell me what this is? Please.

    My tank has been running smoothly for 3 years now and I am actually upgrading our school tank to a 125 tank. So I have two questions. One, What is this Creature that came from nowhere and I have not added anything in over 9 months. Two, Can someone let me know if LED lights would be good for...