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  1. cotton0627

    Clown with no stripes?

    I've seen some with stripes that were just on one side or even with a white dot on a side. The LFS guy told me that it was due to inbreeding. I nevertheless bought one with a partial stripe and it only lasted a few weeks.
  2. cotton0627

    need an id please...possible aiptaisia(sp?)

    Sorry, I typed in the wrong should work now. They aren't feather dusters, but I do have 2 of them living on that piece of rock.
  3. cotton0627

    need an id please...possible aiptaisia(sp?)

    A day after I brought home this piece of rock, I found one of these things growing out of the rock. Within several days it got bigger and there were more of them. When I bought the rock, there was something that looked like an anemone on the other side and the LFS guy told me that was an...
  4. cotton0627

    boxfish identification

    Longhorn cowfish start out with very very small horns and they grow over time. When they are babies, the horns may look like little bumps or spikes. There should be 2 horns in the front and 2 in the rear.
  5. cotton0627

    Three's Company? I think not!

    Any help on how to tell the difference between sexes???:confused:
  6. cotton0627

    Three's Company? I think not!

    They all started off the same size and then two of them became larger and more dominant. Now those two fight all the time and the smaller one kinda does his own thing. Actually, one of the two females seems to be harassing the other. My LFS guy suggested that I get rid of one, and personally...
  7. cotton0627

    lion fish murderer?

    My 2" lion ate, well attempted to eat 4 of my ocellaris clowns. I actually saw the first one...he had it's head in his mouth and tried to swallow it for a few minutes, even when I tried to break it up, and he finally let the clown go. It survived for a few days, but then later perished.
  8. cotton0627

    Three's Company? I think not!

    I originally had 4 false percs and for the last month have had 3 (one died in a tank leak disaster). Two of them are female and the third male. I know that I should get rid of one of them, but which one should I get rid of?
  9. cotton0627

    mandrin goby vs. hermit crab

    i thought i was the only one who had crabs that killed each other <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />
  10. cotton0627

    whats up with my salt

    From what I understand, the ocean is around 1.024-1.027. Your fish can survive in much lower salinity, but the parisites can't. If you drop the salinity (hyposalinity) you will decrease your likelyhood of having parasites. HTH
  11. cotton0627

    help with protien skimmers please

    I am new to this, so I may be off base....but I bought at SeaClone 100 today and the booklet said that it could take 3 days to 3 months to see anything in the cup...IT ALL DEPENDS ON THE BIOLOAD.
  12. cotton0627

    LR...why do you get it from there?

    I was just curious...many members of this board seem to advocate buying their LR over the web. I'm assuming it's cheaper this way, but here is my question: wouldn't you prefer to pick it out in person? I mean, that way you can find more interesting pieces as well as those that fit into your...
  13. cotton0627

    Removing a Damsel

    I don't remember where I heard this, but an idea is to put a piece of pvc in the tank with one end closed. If you can chase him into that, just lift the pipe out! Has anyone else tried this?
  14. cotton0627


    I was just curious....when you use the feeding stick, do you just place it in the water in one spot? My reason for asking this is that lions are predators. I had one and he would eat anything, but it had to be MOVING! I would just wiggle the stick around and move it back and forth and he would...
  15. cotton0627

    Last night's disaster!!!!!!

    I just thought I'd share this story with everyone and I'm sure some of you have had similar experiences. I came home from the store and, to my amazement, found about 45 gallons of my 58 gallon tank on the floor. My tank that had been set up for about a month, just happened to spring 3....THREE...
  16. cotton0627

    People in chicago

    What part of Chicago are you from? Here is <a href="" target="_blank">my tank</a>
  17. cotton0627

    how 'bout a pictures thread?

    I finally got my stuff together and started putting it online....even though I should have done so right after I started this thread. Here is<a href="" target="_blank">my tank</a>
  18. cotton0627

    OT: Chicago.....what LFS do you go to?

    I'm not sure the exact address, but it's on the corner of Archer and Lockwood. There is a stoplight at the intersection, and it's on the north side of Archer with a Nowak Realty sign on the side of the building. I was there today, and I donated my 3" volitan lion...the guy was extremely nice...
  19. cotton0627

    OT: Chicago.....what LFS do you go to?

    I was just wondering what stores the people in the chicagoland area shop at. I thought maybe this would help people find trusted fish stores that they never knew existed and see if some of us shop at the same place. IMO Old Towne Aquariums on Wells St. seems to have the most knowlegde and best...
  20. cotton0627

    Do Triggers and Tangs get a long.

    Not always...each fish is different. I have a friend that had a yellow tang. He added a Huma and within an hour the tang lost an eye. My friend took the trigger back the next day and the tang lived....until it came down with a bad case of ick and cloudy eye a few weeks later.