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  1. cotton0627

    need an id please...possible aiptaisia(sp?)

    A day after I brought home this piece of rock, I found one of these things growing out of the rock. Within several days it got bigger and there were more of them. When I bought the rock, there was something that looked like an anemone on the other side and the LFS guy told me that was an...
  2. cotton0627

    Three's Company? I think not!

    I originally had 4 false percs and for the last month have had 3 (one died in a tank leak disaster). Two of them are female and the third male. I know that I should get rid of one of them, but which one should I get rid of?
  3. cotton0627

    LR...why do you get it from there?

    I was just curious...many members of this board seem to advocate buying their LR over the web. I'm assuming it's cheaper this way, but here is my question: wouldn't you prefer to pick it out in person? I mean, that way you can find more interesting pieces as well as those that fit into your...
  4. cotton0627

    Last night's disaster!!!!!!

    I just thought I'd share this story with everyone and I'm sure some of you have had similar experiences. I came home from the store and, to my amazement, found about 45 gallons of my 58 gallon tank on the floor. My tank that had been set up for about a month, just happened to spring 3....THREE...
  5. cotton0627

    OT: Chicago.....what LFS do you go to?

    I was just wondering what stores the people in the chicagoland area shop at. I thought maybe this would help people find trusted fish stores that they never knew existed and see if some of us shop at the same place. IMO Old Towne Aquariums on Wells St. seems to have the most knowlegde and best...
  6. cotton0627

    water changes?

    I was told to do a water change of 10-25% every 2-6 weeks...but here's the tank evaporates ALOT and I seem to be re-adding around 5% a week of fresh water which balances out my salinity at around 1.022-1.024. I have never had a problem with any of my levels and I have only done the...
  7. cotton0627

    so many voices....what should I do?

    I've noticed something. I go to several LFSs and they all have different opinions. Different books say different things. Different websites say different things. People on this board say different things. Those who have been in this hobby for many years, I have a question to ask you.... Is...
  8. cotton0627

    how 'bout a pictures thread?

    I was thinking; wouldn't it be great if there were a string of posts where everyone placed links to their pictures of their tanks? Many of us who are setting up tanks would like to see what others' setups are and get some ideas. IMO it would be a great help and something interesting for us to...
  9. cotton0627

    Lion and Longhorn Cowfish

    I have a friend that had a volitan lionfish and a longhorn cowfish. The two fish lived peacefully and there were never any problems, but my LFS cautions me against it....anyone have any input, I am thinking about getting a cowfish. (added after original post) I do not plan to keep them in...
  10. cotton0627

    wet/dry filters, undergravel, powerheads....what's the difference?

    I am a newbie at aquarium keeping and I have 2 Penguin Bio Wheel 170s running in my 29 gal tank. I have noticed people on the board use powerheads and undergravel filters....can someone explain the difference between the two?
  11. cotton0627

    Help, my clown's face seems to be eroding!

    I have only had this tank for about 5 months and have noticed that one of my ocellaris clownfish has undergone some transformations. First of all, he has become a very pale version of his bright orange original self. I have been told this may be a factor of diet, but my other 3 have shown no...