Assorted Coral Frag - 5 Pack - Only $99.99

Saltwaterfish Forums

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Corals will be hand picked our choice for best variety. Selection is based on available inventory. These corals grow best in brightest colors under moderate to high light. Some features long sweeper tentacles that can sting the neighboring corals, therefore keeping the other corals at a distance is recommended. It should be placed horizontally in areas of low to medium and water movement. It is better to introduce plenty of live rocks in the tank. These corals get benefit from small pieces of meaty marine foods, such as baby brine shrimp, Cyclop-eeze, or foods designed for filter feeding invertebrates. Addition supplements of calcium, strontium, and other trace element to the water column is also beneficial for its continued good health. These coral thrive well in a temperature range of 72-78 degree Fahrenheit, and pH of 8.1-8.4.