Plating Montipora Problems


I'm at work so I don't have a photo but I'll post one when I get home tonight. My monti was doing well and had polyps and had even grown until a couple of weeks ago. It is now bleaching in color and I don't see any polyps. Any suggestions as to what I can do for it and can I save it?
It's in my 28g nano cube-metal halides
Sal 1.025
Am 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 2.5
Phosphates .10
CA - 480
Mag - 1400
I'll post that picture when I get home tonight.


Well-Known Member
What's your alkalinity, pH and internal flow rates? phosphates seem a bit high so does nitrate for SPS corals.


Well-Known Member
When you say that your alkalinity is 8.75, it actually doesn't tell me anything. Is that alkalinity measurement in dKh, ppm KH, mEq/L, KH? what?
Is your pH relatively stable? What temp is your water and is it stable? Within how many degrees?
If you are measuring your alkalinity in dKh, then your alkalinity is a little low for your calcium, and is imbalanced. However, if you adjust your alkalinity up, do it slowly. I don't think that it's a very pressing issue, however.
I'm thinking that it has to do with the excess nutrients in your tank and perhaps water temp issues as well. Water changes, increase filtration, skim your tank heavily, stop feeding as much to your fish, etc.


Sorry abou that Alkalinity is 8.75 dKh. Ph does stay stable usually 8.2 to 8.4; however my temperatures does vary by about 2 or 3 degrees - 79 to 82. What's the best way to increase alkalinity? I'll try increasing my water changes to once a week insteal of every 10 days and cut down on feeding. I do have a skimmer but it's the one that goes with the nanocube and not the best although it does produce a dark green sludge. Thanks for the advice and if you have any more, I'm interested.


Well-Known Member
Check out my methods threads for ca alk and mg help. Baking soda is common. Gotta research it though before using.


Active Member
Anytime my monti get a bit pale I always check the Ca - it is my indicator. Check everything else like Snake said as well.