Originally Posted by
Salt Life
this is probably a stupid question but what is the "difference" (maybe not the best word to use) from natural salt creep VS using a air stone? I don't use air stones but I do get salt creep in my sump from the water flow through my sump and somethings on the rim of my DT's I get some, I don't have that many micro bubbles going into my DT's either.
IDK if I asked clearly so sorry if I didn't. basically, does "natural salt creep effect your salt level as much as if you used an airstone too?
I have one of those shitty marineland hydrometers so I havent been able to check my salinity that accurately, I don't think... everytime I do it reads at like .024-.026... which Idk if that is really accurate.
All devises that cause water movement will add some bubbles to your tank. These bubbles cause a mist as they come to the top and brake. As the mist evaporates it leave the salt behind so the addition of anything that creates this mist will add to the amount of salt creep you can have occur