Help!! this is my 4th try at trying to raise clownfish larve, I've read numerous blogs and articles on what to do to raise them.. I catch the larvae with a glass bowl on hatch night and usually end up with 60+ larvae swimming in the larvae tank. i use water from the parent tank, the temp is about 80 degrees, the tank is covered in black paper and I have a light bulb hanging above the tank from a curtain rod.I've been keeping the light on for 24 hours and add rotifers to the water right away. 6 hours later most of the larvae die, usually there are about 5 left and within 24 hours they also die. I have a new batch of eggs that were laid today-I'm ordering a new batch of rotifers, not sure if the ones I have left are still alive. Any adice would be greatly appreciated. Am I missing something or forgetting something? Please Help