Never having luck with Quarantine tanks


I have set up quarantine tanks and have no luck with keeping the fish alive during this period what am I not doing or doing wrong ? I have a heater a place for them to hide and a light but I just don't know


Well-Known Member
Did you cycle the QT before you placed fish in it? I always use a sponge from the display that's already loaded with good bacteria. You also have to have water movement, there is less oxygen in SW then in freshwater. I use air lines, no stone, because it's just a 10g quarantine... a 20g would need at least a nano size PH, and go up from there. Always leave the top open, (no lid) for the best gas exchange..


Well-Known Member
Did you cycle the QT before you placed fish in it? I always use a sponge from the display that's already loaded with good bacteria. You also have to have water movement, there is less oxygen in SW then in freshwater. I use air lines, no stone, because it's just a 10g quarantine... a 20g would need at least a nano size PH, and go up from there. Always leave the top open, (no lid) for the best gas exchange..


Well-Known Member
and i'm not sure if I need daily water changes ?

There is less oxygen in saltwater then freshwater... so you need water movement, the HOB is not enough. I keep a 10g for a QT/HT. I use an air line (no stone) attached via rubberband, to the PVC/plastic decoration, to bubble up and move the surface. A 20g would require at least a nano power head, then a regular power head for anything larger then that. Water movement is a must have, the wave is the life of the ocean and your saltwater tank. I'm sure that's why you have had no "luck" with keeping a QT.

I also keep ammonia test strips on hand, they take seconds to test for ammonia ... it doesn't matter what the number is, any reading at all means do a water change. If I just have a fish in quarantine, and I'm not dosing medication, I add prolifera macroalgae, it not only makes the tank look better, and give the fish a happier hiding place then just a PVC pipe, it helps to keep the water quality pristine.


I recently set up a 29 gal qt. It has a heater, hob filter. I added a small piece of pvc pipe for fish to hide in if they desire. I tore apart my 93 display tank to remove all fish because of signs of ick.
My display tank is reset how I want it and will run fishless for a minimum of 60 days. That will kill out all of the ick and if I qt all new fish like im suppose to, will never have ick in it again.
I will check water parametrs of qt daily to ensure ammonia etc doesn't get high. Water changes will be decided with water testing results. Im not running carbon filter in my hob because Im treating fish with cuppromine and ensuring my copper levels don't reach above .5 for 14 days then I will start to do more water changes to remove copper and also run carbon filter in my hob.