Cupramine Question

Marija Reiff

New Member
Hello. I have a 37 gallon FOWLR tank, and I recently introduced a royal gamma in there (my other inhabitants are a clownfish, a firefish, and a false lemonpeel angel). At the beginning of last week, I saw that he had a few spots of ick. So last Wednesday I added the first dose, and on Friday I added the second dose. Yesterday, he looked quite a bit worse. He had more spots, and he stopped eating. Here's my question: how long until I start seeing results with Cupramine? I know I need to leave it in there for two or three weeks, but how long until I stop seeing spots on my gamma? I'm afraid that if this doesn't start working soon that he will die.

A second part of my question is this: if it hasn't started working by now, does that mean my copper levels in the tank are too low? I went to every fish store in town, and all they had was the API copper test rather than the Seachem test. I have ordered a Seachem test online, but it has not gotten here yet. The API test shows there is copper in the tank, but I'm finding it very difficult to read.

Anyway, if you could give me any idea how long it is until I start seeing results from the Cupramine, I would really appreciate it. I would hate to have my fish die because the copper level was too low. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Want the good news or bad? Iam hoping iam wrong but if your adding it directly to your main tank its bad bad bad. 1 youll kill whats "live" on your live rock.
2nd all that rock, sand, ect thats in your tank is absorbing the copper making it ineffective.
Now what can u do?. Get a quarantine tank remove all your fish and treat them w hypo. Copper could be used but dwarf angels dont fair well w its use


You will have better luck posting this in the "disease" thread and not in here. Im sure a mod will see it and move it.
I echo jay's comments. Treatments should be used in quarantine tanks, never display tanks as it does more harm than good. Im doing hypo salinity now in my qt as I have a dwarf angel that had ich. Only dose what you can test for. Wait for your test kit, remove all fish and place in a qt and then treat that, but I would go with hypo instead. You will need to use a refractometer to measure s.g. and not use a plastic swing arm hydrometer.


It looks like my bi-color angel and the cardinal have ich, and the bi-color angel is sitting and sleeping, what should I do?
You should post your question in the disease thread. Beth, the resident fishie Dr will see it there.
But in the meantime, you should remove the fish and place in a qt tank and treat with hypo salinity. That procedure is documented if you research it.