Fish suggestions for my new 100 gallon.


Active Member
Hi there! I am starting my first 100g tank. I have had fresh water tanks and have decided to venture into salt water. I have everything set up and am currently playing the waiting game, waiting for my tank to cycle and then to put my fish in... my husband and I can't agree on what type of fish we want.

He wants a lion fish.

What are some good tank mates for a lion? Would we be able to add a couple of triggers or just one?

A puffer?

Would a copperband be able to hang with these guys? Or blue/yellow tangs?

I've done research on each of these guys and just need to know if they can peacefully live together.

Would peppermit shrimp be a good addition or not so much?

Thanks for helping this newbie out!


Active Member
Myself, I would prefer a trigger, some clowns, tangs, copperband. Pretty much everything but the lion. Lol.

Help me!

We are open for suggestions!


Well-Known Member
Ha ha ha clowns would get eaten by lion. Triggers will bite spines off lion.
sooo, lets break it down like this.
Lion-, tangs, puffer, larger wrasse, certain rabbit fish.
your choice, coppers are very difficult to keep. Feeding them is very tricky and they need excellent water quality. However, clowns, tangs, dotty backs, basslets, dart fish, gobys, wrasse, draggonets, ect are all compatible.
Triggers, there are certain ones that u can mix w semi aggressive fish, but not all and shrimp would dinner w any lol


Active Member
Ha ha ha clowns would get eaten by lion. Triggers will bite spines off lion.
sooo, lets break it down like this.
Lion-, tangs, puffer, larger wrasse, certain rabbit fish.
your choice, coppers are very difficult to keep. Feeding them is very tricky and they need excellent water quality. However, clowns, tangs, dotty backs, basslets, dart fish, gobys, wrasse, draggonets, ect are all compatible.
Triggers, there are certain ones that u can mix w semi aggressive fish, but not all and shrimp would dinner w any lol

Lol figures! ! So a lion and a trigger will not live peacefully together? Ever?


Copperbands are notoriously difficult!

I echo jay. I LOVE wrasses and yet can be large enough to hold their own. Clowns would be lunch!

Jay would certain blennys work as well?


Well-Known Member
It would depend on the trigger.I like triggers I just like keeping multiple species tanks more. So ive never had one


Well-Known Member
Lol figures! ! So a lion and a trigger will not live peacefully together? Ever?
it depends on the trigger or what type. humu triggers tend to be the ones that nip at the lions fish fins but but it is rare that they do so i wouldnt eorry about it, just put the lion in first. if you want to do two triggers go with a humu trigger and a bursa trigger, that one always works. and add them at the same time and have them be close in size. they may fight in the beginning but they will work it out and all will be fine. and then after this you could add the tangs you want.


Well-Known Member
It would depend on the trigger.I like triggers I just like keeping multiple species tanks more. So ive never had one
you can do a humu or bursa or piccaso trigger in a multiple species tank. just get one that is like 1.5''. that thing will go about 6 years befor it causes any problems.