Quarantine Question

I know people should quarantine all fish. But I have a question. Even with quarantine fish cant ich and other parasites get in tank? Maybe from a new coral or a new piece of live rock you add??? Most LFS have fish in all tanks that have corals or live rock. I cant imagine we quarantine new corals and live rocks for 4-6 weeks... What about invertebrate? I know they don't get ich but there is a chance one egg or something is just catching a ride for a few hours??? And a lot of people use live sea water from the ocean. My LFS carries natural salt water from the ocean. I heard natural ocean has ich. So couldn't you add ich to your tank from a simple water change???


Staff member
I know people should quarantine all fish. But I have a question. Even with quarantine fish cant ich and other parasites get in tank? Maybe from a new coral or a new piece of live rock you add??? Most LFS have fish in all tanks that have corals or live rock. I cant imagine we quarantine new corals and live rocks for 4-6 weeks... What about invertebrate? I know they don't get ich but there is a chance one egg or something is just catching a ride for a few hours??? And a lot of people use live sea water from the ocean. My LFS carries natural salt water from the ocean. I heard natural ocean has ich. So couldn't you add ich to your tank from a simple water change???
Yes, the parasite can enter the tank through contaminated live rocks, sand, hard shelled inverts such as snails, hard coral or coral attached to rocks. Yes, people do even QT their coral, etc., before introducing it in to their display tank; though the timeframe for that would be less then dealing with infected fish since non-fish can not host the parasite, therefore the life cycle of ich is cut short on non-fish. Also, I feel the likelihood of infection is reduced just because the parasite is absent the host fish which it requires to complete its life-cycle.

I have to admit I QTed fish but not the rest. I was cautious about where my stuff came from (such as not knowing getting items from tanks shared with fish).

I would never use ocean water. There is absolutely no way of knowing what comes in the ocean water, including pollution.
Hi beth. Glad you responded.. Yes I said the same thing to the LFS. I said how do they know the ocean water is good? He said that he has been selling ocean water for 18 years and he has never had anyone complain. He also said that he sells several thousands of gallon a week so people most really like it.. As I was leaving someone walked in and wanted 25 gallons of ocean water. Go figure. I just wonder if these people think about the possible pollution, ich or parasite that can be in the water.
Agreed, good lfs keep lr in fishless tanks. But when in doubt qt
I agree. But most stores I seen that have corals always have a few fish swimming around. So they can have ich and it could be on the coral. I just think its hard to qt live rocks or corals. Especially since my qt has a cheap little light that is barely enough to see the fish. I am sure the Corals wouldn't be happy. I know in the past I just drip LR, corals and invertebrates and in the tank they go.


Staff member
You can certainly QT LR without concerns about lighting, and there are other benefits to quarantining LR that goes beyond preventing ich. Many corals would be ok for 2 weeks. If you want to be a hobbyist on the cutting edge, I suppose you could get at least decent lighting for corals for the QT. I would not, however, normally use a fish QT for corals since fish QTs could have medication residual.