36 Gallon Saltwater Bowfront Stock options


New Member
I am a beginner, and will be starting a saltwater tank next week and want to get working on a stock list for when my tank is cycled. I will be starting with just fish but would like to add coral down the road.
I will be using a 36 gallon bowfront with a HW303b canister filter, a Fluval Sea PS1 skimmer, a 150w heater, with 50 lbs of live rock, and 20 lbs live sand.

What I'am interested in so far is:
2 Bicolor Angelfish
3 yellowtail blue damsel
2 Clownfish
1 Green Mandarin (I've seen this been called green mandarin goby)
1 Longnose Hawkfish
1 Cardinal Fish
I would like a cleanup crew or algae eating fish but I'm not sure what I should add. Any suggestions? (I would like a bottomfeeder fish if one would would fit)

EDIT: After more research I've come up with a second stock option
1 Flame Angel (or maybe a different Angel, flames sound tough)
1 Flame Hawkfish
3 Green Mandarin
2 Clownfish
3 Three spot Domino Damsels
Any thoughts on this option??

I know this tank is probably overstocked, What should I remove so I can have most of what I want?
I would like to have a large community of different and colorful fish. I'am open to ANY suggestions....



Well-Known Member
Ha ha before you did your edit iam like OMG!!!! I would loose the damsels. Unfortunately probably the mandarin too, unless you can find a pair eating frozen foods. Try a coral beauty angle or rusty angle. Your pair of clowns and hawk are fine


New Member
Okay, got it. NO GO on the Mandarin and Damsels

Current stock would be:
1 Flame Angel
1 Flame Hawkfish
2 Clownfish

I would like a few more fish, can you suggest some that would be compatible? preferably some pairs or schools?


New Member
How does this sound?
1 Flame Angel
1 Flame Hawkfish
2 Clownfish
2 Royal Gramma Basslet
2 Blue Reef Chromis


Well-Known Member
With sw fish 2 very seldom works. Except w a pair of clowns. 1 gramma is fine. Chromis are iffy. You want odd numbers of them generally 5, 7 ect. A 36 by sw standards isnt big so unfortunately your stock will be limited


Well-Known Member
Only one royal gramma.
I wouldnt do the chromis either or just one if you are set on them.
If you are getting oscelaris or percula two clowns are fine. Other species not so much. Make sure the clowns are small. They are all born male. One will turn female. You want to make sure that hasn't happened before you get them, that's why you want small ones. Two females will fight to the death.