New LTA, wondering if foot looks damaged


New Member
Hey guys! First post on swf.
SO I purchased a gorgeous LTA from my local fish store yesterday. I asked very specifically for the guy to be careful with the foot. He managed to get the anem out of the display tank surprisingly fast. When I looked at it, the foot looked intact so i purchased it. Got it home, dug a little hole in the sand for him to settle in after acclimation and he seemed fine.
This morning, i guess the current shifted a little bit as i was doing stuff in the tank and the LTA ended up rolling out of his hole, so I worked him into a corner and set up some little stones so he wouldn't blow around.
I'm posting a photo of a white spot on his foot that I'm concerned about. Overall do you guys think this is a healthy foot?



New Member
update: the foot was damaged, that hole never healed. the anem never settled and got worse over the previous weeks. spat its guts out 2 days a go and a shrimp ripped them apart. put it out of its misery this morning. just goes to show how careful you have to be.


New Member
update: the foot was damaged, that hole never healed. the anem never settled and got worse over the previous weeks. spat its guts out 2 days a go and a shrimp ripped them apart. put it out of its misery this morning. just goes to show how careful you have to be.
Just wondering, do you have crushed coral? I had a similar thing happen a few years ago and the same thing happened. The one I bought was in sand tank and I put it in my crushed coral. It proceed to rip a hole in itself and then the same guts thing.


Staff member
Crushed coral is basically not a good choice under any circumstances in a marine tank but particularly in a tank with inverts. Crushed coral has extremely sharp cutting edges that rip in to any creature that attempts to traverse through or burrow within it. You can see how that would be hazardous to most life forms in a reef tank.

In addition to the hazards mentioned above, it also tends to trap detritus within its sandbed inhibiting adequate export of nitrates from the system. This is in part due to most inverts not able to move through this type of media bed. The result is a system that always has high nitrates due to an incomplete nitrogen cycle. Yet another big problem particularly in a reef tank.