Hello everyone. I’m new to this hobby but have wanted a saltwater tank for years. I have a 55 gallon Fowlr tank that I’m not sure where is the cycle it stands. It currently has about 30 lbs of live rock and 15 lbs of dry rock in it. There is around 1 inch of sand substrate in the bottom. I am running a seachem tidal 110 hang on back filter that was recommended by a reef store that is very popular in the city it is in. I have had it running for about a month with no activity in it while I went on vacation. When I came back I did a 50% water change and started testing water parameters. About 3 weeks ago I got 2 clown fish to start cycling my tank with. I used the Dr. Tims all in one with the new fish. I use an API test kit and my current levels are PH-8.2, ammonia is < .025ppm, nitrites 0 ppm, nitrates 0 ppm. It has been this way since day 2 with the fish. The ammonia did spike up to .05 just before I did a water change. Now everything is back to the previous readings. How do I know when it is safe to add more fish?