Breeding Clownfish


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Originally Posted by Mr_Bill
Her fish lay them.

actually thats is only half true. i do not have the clowns. they belong to a friend that does not want to raise them himself. so i pick up they eggs and raise them.
they are all black and white clowns. very nice fish not a hint of orange on them


Active Member
picking up new eggs tonight. fingeres crossed. i think we have a good system down now so all should go well


Active Member
Originally Posted by vi3tb0i
hey can u post updated pics of the eggs and the black clown?
there are new pics of the clown right about the last few post. those are only a few days old. he look just abotu the same today.. i'll get new pics of the eggs if you want but they dont look any different then the egg pic posted in the begining of this tread.


Active Member
Originally Posted by neoreef
How much rots and phyto do you prepare before a hatch?
i have no idea. plenty thats for sure.
we dont prep them just for a batch i keep a constant culture going at all times. its very easy to keep them going once you get the hang of it and its alot easier to just keep them going then to start new every time. it takes about a week to get new phyto going and only 12-14 days for new eggs to come so there is not much down time.
i keep three 10 gallon tanks of rotifers going at all times. i dont need even close to that many but i keep them incase one tank goes down i (the fry) wont be without. if i had to guess( and it would purly be a guess) i would say around 20-30 million easy. I find this to be WAY MORE then enough. somtimes the multiply so fast that the fish cant even eat them fast enough. i'll put some in one day and the next there will be more then i put in so we will not add any mroe and let the fish catch up. afetr a few days of learning to hunt the do a good job of taking care of the extra snacks
we keep around 20 liters of phytoplankton going at all times. i also keep a few micro algea disk of nannochloropus around just incase something happened and i lot everythign i could have new cultures in a few days. i also keep roti rich on hand which also works very well. i chose to use our phyto mix becasue we know it full of lots of LIVE good stuff but the roti rich will be there if we ever get into a jam.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nomad
How about a pic of the proud parents? :happyfish

dont have one. i dont own the parents. i just pick up and raise the eggs about every 2 weeks. i think i'll bring may camera with me next time and take a few pics


Good luck! I have been following this thread with interest as I am also setting up to hatch some eggs from a friend's clownfish. I pick them up on Thursday, and I am so excited!
Please post tomorrow morning and tell us how the hatch went!


Oh, and thanks for the rotifer info.
I have 4 gallon jugs of about 200 rots/ml each and 20 liters of nanno going and I hope its enough.
I'm going to try hatching the eggs in a 20 gallon tank filled to the 5 gallon mark, and slowly increasing volume if I get a lot of fry. I have heard that having a larger water volume helps the ammonia situation, and the fry do better overall.


Active Member
out of curiousity, has anyone tried the freeze dried rotofers,rotifer substitues,rotofer sized golden pearls? and what was the outcome?


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only 3 last night (last time they hatched over 2 nights) hopefully this time will be better ,we'll see