
OMG....I bought this candy cane coral from swf in January 2009...it was supposed to be a one head frag, and IIRC it was like $10....well I got 2 heads and was thrilled to death
here it is in January 2009

I read all the time..HEY my candy cane grew new heads.....But never for me.....with mine the 2 heads just got bigger...here it is

GUESS WHAT....It got a new head
2 FREAKIN YEARS LATER YAYYYYY.. here is candy cane head #3...lol...of course it had to be on the back though haha


Active Member
Good for you...2 years?? Wow if all the coral grew like that, our tanks would never get full...lol... looks good btw...


Active Member
good to see some progress on the the growth.
do you check your alk and Ca at all?
it could be from a low Ca level.
how the tank doing these days? i have not been on here in awhile. got a fts to show off?



HEY BILL...I test the calcium and alk periodically,.....ca usually runs 450 and alk around 10.....
here are some pics I snapped real quick...some with flash...some w/o...I'm still learning the camera though



Active Member
looks great meowzer. You need some acro's or something that grows up, every coral you have stays by the rock....


Originally Posted by 1Snapple http:///forum/thread/383177/holy-cow-it-took-2-years#post_3349330
looks great meowzer. You need some acro's or something that grows up, every coral you have stays by the rock....
LOL...I have a few acros, but they are not big enough to see in the fts yet ....I have to stand so far away to get the whole tank in the shot...if you really look, you can see my purple acro (right side)...the deepwater acro (mid bottom) bottlebrush ( to the right of the deepwater) Birdsnest (to the right of the green rhodactis) Orange digitata (2 of them..one is left of the frogspawn, the other is on the right side of tank) and of course the elkhorn monti...left top of tank Pink Damicornis (left of the green rhodactis)


Here are a few shots of the corals I mentioned
The elkhorn monti

Orange digitata

The other orange digitata

The Birds nest...this was dead once....LOL

Pink Damicornis

The deepwater acro, and the Blue bottle brush

Purple acro


Tank is look great Meowzer!
Just a word of caution: That orange digitata looks awfully close to the frogspawn.


Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/383177/holy-cow-it-took-2-years#post_3349352
Tank is look great Meowzer!
Just a word of caution: That orange digitata looks awfully close to the frogspawn.
Yeah...it's not as close as it appears in the picture..BUT this was a frogspawn I got from SWF (who would have guessed) it was a little frag, NOT NO MORE
I may have to move the FS over a little bit soon though....the digitata it attached to the rock, the FS I believe is not