Recent content by chris57

  1. chris57

    75 gallon idea

    I'm expirenenced with saltwater fish I'm about a moderate aquarist i'm planning on setting up a 75 gallon aquarium, I've got some fish i must have in there in my mind such as a clownfish, yellow tang, royal gramma, cleaner shrimp, and neon gobies but i'm drawing a blank on what i want in the...
  2. chris57

    Nothing to skim??

    something is wrong with it if foam isn't comming out it.
  3. chris57

    clowns and anemone

    but if you truly want a good anemone for your percula i would suggest a Heteractis Magnifica, clowns love them but their a bit expensive.
  4. chris57

    clowns and anemone

    you shouldn't get an anemone just cause you think your clown will like it but because you want anemone the truth is your clownfish might be just as happy hosting a plant or a coral or even a rock. i hear all the time people getting anemones for their clowns and the clowns don't even accept the...
  5. chris57

    Look what I scored

    i would chack for leaks in that tank if i were you and that stand is no good its not sturdy at all from the way it looks.
  6. chris57

    Help New Saltwater Hobbiest

    you need about 1lb per gallon of pacific type or 2lbs pers gallon of atlantic type if you want to save alot of money you can make agrocrete i usually use caribbean agramax sand you need about enough sand to make a bend about 2-4 inches deep...
  7. chris57

    Atlantic Anemone

    they are aggresive but they have been known to accept clown fish but there is always a risk that your fish and shrimp might get eaten by your anemone this is why most of the time i get synthetic anemones. clownfish don't need anemones to be happy some clownfish you get at the store have never...
  8. chris57

    Best way to secure a sponge?

    i usually get some aquarium safe adhesive and attach it to a dry rock usually i use cured agrocrete
  9. chris57

    question about liverock curing

    usually it spikes before then, you must have bought it when it was already cured and in the petstroe tank for awhile. so your water coditons might be better so they don't die but flourish. but to be safe wait another few weeks before you put it with fish and inverts.
  10. chris57

    I want to buy a maited pair but im scared.

    clownfish breed best when their the only ones in the tank, you will need good quality food with enriched shrimp, moonlighting, and a flat rock(cermatic tile works best) that doesn't have anything on it, a regular day and night cycle. after they spawn and you find the eggs take them to a 15-30...
  11. chris57

    anemone with white spots

    your anemone probably has white band disease or tumors which is usually caused by stress and poor water conditions. lots of corals and anemones get these if their not in the right conditions. i suggest that you get some kent marine coral accel, and some kent marine tech-D coral dip. with luck...
  12. chris57

    Quick Question...

    yes the bacteria and all the other live animals on live rock will die in only a few mins in air but coarlline algae has been know to stay alive when being dry for a week.
  13. chris57

    Upside down jelly Fish

    also most jellyfish need large circular tanks with a strong flow away from the sides, this is because jellyfish are very delicate and if they hit the side of a tank then they could get injured, and stressed, also most jelly fish's lifespan's are only a few months at best.
  14. chris57

    Upside down jelly Fish

    they need zooplankton.they aren't reef safe and their poisonous. Also they are difficult to keep. but their pretty cheap.
  15. chris57


    i used to get fresh water fish from ponds and lakes the do really good in aquarium environments cause the conditions are better then they were originally in, this may also be true for SOME types of small fish in a temperate zone.