Recent content by crcoachm

  1. crcoachm


    laying on bottom is normal not breathing is NOT normal usually they lay on there side and breath really fast.
  2. crcoachm

    emerald green crab

    Got 2 of these today, and a free peice of rock because we could not get him off the rock!! Seem to be good:D Do they eat fast? Or is it a very slow? I quess I want to see it all gone now
  3. crcoachm

    Japanese Surgeonfish

    Is there another name for this fish? I was told it enjoyed bubble algae. But it is not listed on for sale :notsure:
  4. crcoachm


    see over there on the left click on acclimation I don't follow it to a T But it does take me 2-3 hours to put in a fish Live rock is fine Your sand is fine I think your fish are just in SHOCK Maybe turn your lights off, make them feel a little better, and they may calm down. I think there is...
  5. crcoachm


    Did you dump the LFS water in your tank? That is a no no. You need to take your time introducing fish to your tank. They are in major shock!!!
  6. crcoachm

    Fish bought from this site

    On this site they sell fish. They also give a size. Is this size the size you get, or the size of the fish when it is done growing?
  7. crcoachm

    chage the bulb yet?

    Each one of mine have two bands holding it up. Bigarn, how much did the replacements run you?
  8. crcoachm

    emerald green crab

    Thanks I will be going this weekend to pick one out maybe two. Anything I should look for when picking them out?
  9. crcoachm

    chage the bulb yet?

    I have a corallife plus compact lighting that is 48 long. With 4 96 watt bulbs. I bought these new in July 2004. How long will the bulbs last brfore they lose there magic touch. Also should I repalce the bands that hold the bulbs up?:notsure:
  10. crcoachm

    emerald green crab

    Can you have more than 1 of these crabs? I have a lot of bubble agae to take care of. Will they bother anything other than the algae?
  11. crcoachm

    what should I be feeding my fish

    I have 2 clarkii 1 percula clown 1 blue hippo tang 1 lawnmower blenny 1 coral bandid shrimp snails hermits :notsure:
  12. crcoachm

    bubble algae

    I have a rock in my FOWLR tank that is covered in bubble algae. It is my fault I know, I broke a bubble in the tank!! I have now learned that is a no no. If I took the rock out and took a brush to it to knock off the algae would it return? Could I use fresh water to rinse it off when I am done...
  13. crcoachm

    brittle worm

    I have the same problem. I say get them out now or they WILL take over your tank!!
  14. crcoachm

    aquaclear pro 75 wet/dry For Sale

    how much and will you ship?
  15. crcoachm

    aquaclear pro 75 wet/dry For Sale

    are you interested in shipping it to 45817