Recent content by fishgirl00002

  1. fishgirl00002

    Responsable Fish Keeping

    i would like to say that i have learned so much just by reading all the questions and answers on the board. i came to this board to learn as much as i could about salt water fishing keeping. i have had questions, but most of the time before i even ask them i read and there's the answer already...
  2. fishgirl00002

    bubbles or ?

    sorry, i was gone for a while, i think you answer question about bubbles. the store in rice lake is pets for you, they only have one salt water tank, not much of a selection. they have had tropical fish for a long time. very clean store and they seem to be knowledgeable, spelling, i think they...
  3. fishgirl00002

    bubbles or ?

    i haven't brought any new fish for a while, i have gone to eau claire, and now rice lake as salt water in their pet store
  4. fishgirl00002

    bubbles or ?

    i hope you can see them, they look like water bubbles stuck on the rock, from an angle, it almost looks like silver on top of the rock
  5. fishgirl00002

    bubbles or ?

    i hope this works
  6. fishgirl00002

    bubbles or ?

    i have bubbles on my rock does anyone know what they might be
  7. fishgirl00002

    feather duster

    i have a feather duster, when i got it, it had only one crown, now it looks like two crowns, what does that mean. is it dividing it's self or what. i really like it, hope this isn't something bad. i want to get more also, i would like to get some plants, anyone have suggestions thanks
  8. fishgirl00002

    Holiday greetings from us to you

    hope everyone has a safe and merry christmas, and a happy new year. our prayers are there for all our service men & women. have a good one
  9. fishgirl00002

    OT... need your prayers...

    so sorry to hear about your daughter. my prayers with be with and keep the faith. childern are tougher than you think. so try to stay in good spirits and may god bless
  10. fishgirl00002

    Refugium Aglae Needed.

    can i get that link
  11. fishgirl00002


  12. fishgirl00002


    what am i doing wrong???
  13. fishgirl00002


    oops! picture didn't post, i'll try again
  14. fishgirl00002


    here is a picture of 1 of my crabs, he was just a little thing when i got him, look how big he is now, do you think he will get must bigger?
  15. fishgirl00002


    yes, it is a maroon clown, my tank looks a little yellow in this picture, i'm not very good with the camera, need to practice more, my rock have some growth on them not a lot but looks better than the picture shows