Recent content by harndog

  1. harndog

    175 Reef tank set up FOR SALE CHEAP!!

    I would rather sale the whole thing. The lights where over a thousand but they will need bulbs replaced. The tank was like 2800 but I have seen them cheaper since then. For 1000 you could buy it and sale off what you don't want and proly make your money back. I also have an Kent RODI 60gph...
  2. harndog

    175 Reef tank set up FOR SALE CHEAP!! This is a pic just a view months after I took down a 125 and an 75 and put all in the 175. The ice storm last winter got me so I took it all down and put it in the garage. Was planning on putting back up some day but Money is tight so...
  3. harndog

    175 Reef tank set up FOR SALE CHEAP!!

    I have an Oceanic 175 Bow Front with stand. Also has 1800 magjet in the sump. 3 or 4 maxi jet 1200's a 125 coral life complete Skimmer. Coral Life UV, Coral life 3x150 MH and 4 x96 antic compacts complete hood. I have had it down for about a year it was up for about a year. The whole set up...
  4. harndog

    How often to replace MH

    How often should MH and actinic PC be replaced? Then how long have you guys gone without replacing them and been sucsesful?
  5. harndog

    Better full tank pic for 175 reef

    Thanks Moby! The tat is actually the back of my calf it is huge and yes is easier to keep but hurt a whole lot more. did it all at once laying on a table for 4 1/2 hours. ouch
  6. harndog

    Better full tank pic for 175 reef

    Also another pic it's a fish but not saltwater.
  7. harndog

    Better full tank pic for 175 reef

    what do you guys think?????
  8. harndog

    175 reef pics

    Thanks Nemo those are some quick shots I took I know they suck. The lights where on though 450 w mh and 4x96 w atinics. the flash still came on the cam that day though. I have an olympas 800 8 mega pixel cam but haven't figured out all the little settings and stuff. thanks again. The color...
  9. harndog

    Putting Faces to the Names

    Pic of me and my 175 now reef tank. Thats my little sis holding my youngest in the background.
  10. harndog

    175 reef pics

    Thanks everyone Actually I think your reffering to my Orange shoulder tang. I want a chevron but don't really think I need to add any more fish. fish include Hippo Red Sea Sale Fin Yellow Tang Orange Shoulder GSM clown Have had him for 2 + years YT Damsel Green spot mandrian Royal Gramma PJ...
  11. harndog

    175 reef pics

  12. harndog

    175 reef pics

    Tangs are doing great and Corals are starting to grow like they did in the 75 reef.
  13. harndog

    MH Questions

    The fixture would work nice on a 55 you are just a little more narrow. I think like 6 inches so the light would cover the top really well. In fact I have a buddy with a 55 that wants it if he can come up with the money he will most likley get it. I like the 10k supplemented with the atinics...
  14. harndog

    175 getting ready to be reef

    Took a few pics before the coral go in. just sharing last pic is an old shot of the corals they are more colorful and have grown a lot thanks to the MH.
  15. harndog

    Going to puerto vallarta

    Barcelo La Jolla de Mismaloya