Recent content by hellow

  1. hellow

    Need some starter info

    Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick It depends - some corals grow tall, some grow wide. Some are tree-like, some are pancake like. P.S. Love your avatar. I am a huge TNG fan... it's a close second, however, to my affinity for Voyager. Lets just say may have all 7 seasons on DVD Well, i...
  2. hellow

    Need some starter info

    Originally Posted by Mr_X but...they all grow. they will all become huge eventually. and some need to be placed far away from other corals or they will sting them to death. Huge as in tall
  3. hellow

    Need some starter info

    Originally Posted by Mr_X how many corals do you want? i have 75 different colonies in my 195, and i wish i had more space to add a few more. with a 28 gallon tank, you don't have many choices. I know that i dont want any huge corals for a fact. I havent specifically chosen my coral yet tho.
  4. hellow

    Times are tough, but this is rediculous...

    Heck, buy a extremely strong cage to completely encase your A/C unit (Yes, even underground) and padlock it with the strongest padlock you can afford. Or encase it in concrete, either one. We badly need economic reform . Things have gotten this extreme in the last few years, and i know they was...
  5. hellow

    which superglue??

    Originally Posted by reefkprZ I hate vista. I can tell by the fact that you have the Linux mascot with a anti-windows gun in its hand that you do. I personally use Linux, not all to simple, but you dont get the constant barrage of errors like you do with Windows.
  6. hellow

    Need some starter info

    Oh, and I found my saltwater aquarium book, its Salt-Water Aquariums by Barbra S. Waters and John Waters. Copyrighted in 1967.
  7. hellow

    Need some starter info

    Originally Posted by Flricordia This is a 50 tub. Great tnak to work with. Large enough to give room for a good assorment of corals, provide more stable conditions than a smaller nano but not break the bank in lighting and other equipment costs. You can't keep large fish, but enough room for...
  8. hellow

    How much will this aquarium hold?

    Originally Posted by GeriDoc The 70 indicates that the tank holds 70 gallons, and "wide" indicates that the tank has a wide footprint. Ah, ok, thanks.
  9. hellow

    How much will this aquarium hold?

    I was looking at aquariums for my new tank on and i found one listed as 70 Wide, yet i have no clue what that means. The dimensions of it is 48 x 24 x 13 (length X width X height). How many gallons would it approx. hold?
  10. hellow


    Originally Posted by alexk123 I already bought a star pollup to startout with. its neon green and looks pretty cool but only 4 inches i bought for about 25$ what about getting a frogspawn? do clownfish dwell in them? I still know very little about this hobby, but i do know that you do not...
  11. hellow

    New 30 gal Fish Only Help

    Originally Posted by fade2black011 Also, I have 1 Yellowtail Damsel and 1 Bicolor Pseudochromis. The Bicolor Pseudochromis is always attacking the Damsel.... I just did a google search on the latter fish, and i got this: "This little beauty can be aggressive toward other fish small mild...
  12. hellow

    Need some starter info

    I am still considering a Nano tank because i dont want anything massive in the tank either. I am also considering getting a slightly bigger tank, somewhere around 40-50 gallons.
  13. hellow

    Need some starter info

    Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick I recommended a nano because you're a beginner - You may find that you're not really in to the hobby, and if that's the case, it's better to have invested less money Mr. X, aside from Tangs and aggressive fish, how is Hellow being limited? I have always...
  14. hellow

    Need some starter info

    Originally Posted by subielover Well, you wouldn't want to put everything in right away. I think Mr. X was referring to equipment. Ah, ok. Yea because the tank has to go through its Ammonia-Nitrite-Nitrate cycle (Yes, i know a few things lol). I heard that live rock helps alot during that time.
  15. hellow

    Need some starter info

    Originally Posted by Mr_X i think you could do it for 2 grand. especially if you go the stuff used. maybe under 1000. $2000 with the things that are going inside it too.