Recent content by hotlegs

  1. hotlegs

    anyone in tennessee?

    Hey, you can email me at about the ricordea.
  2. hotlegs

    anyone in tennessee?

    Honestly, if I tried to ship frags, they'd probably be dead when they got there.
  3. hotlegs

    anyone in tennessee?

    What I've REALLY been wanting is some bubble corals.
  4. hotlegs

    anyone in tennessee?

    Near Brentwood
  5. hotlegs


    Well, I do hate it if a stranger calls you baby, but if you're in love with someone, it's sweet. :)
  6. hotlegs


    Originally Posted by Mimzy aww, you didnt go to your house? then you coulda totaly reamed him out when he called you "baby" on the phone!!! Ugh...I HATE it when men and women call each other "baby." So incredibly tacky. What's wrong with that? What do you call your man?
  7. hotlegs

    anyone in tennessee?

    I'm unable to go to the swap, but I do have some ricordea. It's purple and it seems to be growing very well. Let me know if you are interested.
  8. hotlegs

    too much fish????

    No more fish until you get a bigger tank! I think your LFS just wants you to spend your money there.
  9. hotlegs

    Would you pay $1500.00 for a Fish?

    vaseline? I don't get it.
  10. hotlegs

    Really Need To Sell ASAP-22 gal hec fish tank!

    My bad. Go for it Holly!
  11. hotlegs

    Really Need To Sell ASAP-22 gal hec fish tank!

    I thought we couldn't sell on this website. :notsure:
  12. hotlegs

    what does your name mean?

    Of course I did. We do have alot of families come in. Some people just don't see it that way. THEY'RE HATERS!
  13. hotlegs

    what does your name mean?

    A family place indeed! Then you and your parents can walk on down to the clubs and go dancing!
  14. hotlegs

    what does your name mean?

    Gee, how did you guess? It's only part time for now to put myself through school. I'm studying criminal law.
  15. hotlegs

    Couples Into SW????

    Well thanks for the compliment! I've only been in SW for a little over a year. I used to just have fresh water, but it's just not as interesting. And don't worry about the thread, it was getting a little out of hand. I was beginning to sense some anger. :mad: