Originally Posted by
You should call back several times until the chick answers the phone and let him know what he did/said. Maybe she can get out of that relationship quickly and start collecting child support from that retard.
I dont know how guys can do that kinda crap.. I have such a strong will to stay with a woman and I cant even look at other chicks when i'm with my girl.. yet some guys feel that they just cant get enough and have to go after every skirt they see.
The bad part is.. you actually turned this guy down.. but another chick wont..
PS: you must be hot... I must have a pic

Yeah, well I have been on the other hand (not pregenant, but the girlfriend) and I know how it feels to find out that the person you sopposedly love has cheated on you with not only another girl but several. I would never allow myself to be "the other woman". and also thanks for the commendment its nice to see that there are good guys out there!!!