Recent content by leopardshark

  1. leopardshark

    favorite shark

    i like the blacktips but i can't take certain ones because i love em all they all have certain things about them that i like
  2. leopardshark

    clown triggerfish

    clown triggers have a huge mortality rate if they are under 3 inches they are known to last about 6 to 8 months and die for know reason. also they are very prone to fin rot.
  3. leopardshark

    show your rare inverts and fish

    show your rare inverts and fish
  4. leopardshark


    novice hows your tank doing? and your shark? any recent pics of it? i would like to hear how everything is doing
  5. leopardshark

    problem with film?

    i talked to a customer in the store that i work at and he explained to me something that really stumped me. he has a white film but not slimy and it doesnt have any texture. he said it wont come off with a scraper but he hasnt tried a razor blade just yet. he has no high levels besides a little...
  6. leopardshark

    to speed along cycle..??

    i would definetely put in some live sand and live rock to seed the tank. it will help. i just put in tlc just as a back up and sometimes i raise the temp to about 90 but i dont recommend that because i am still trying to figure out if that is true or not if it really works.
  7. leopardshark

    Freshwater fish???

    that's too bad :( . it looks like a tinfoil barb but barbs dont get that big. other than that i dont have the slightest clue.
  8. leopardshark

    FS 220 gallon

    thanks i try to keep it up like my boss's want me to. im the short kid that WORKS A LOT.
  9. leopardshark

    My First Starfish

    he's in the lankia family. your lucky that he has six legs. this usually doesnt happen but it isnt that uncommon. they usually get pretty big but not huge. just dont put any aggressive fish or big hermit crabs with him because your hitchhiker will become roadkill.
  10. leopardshark

    Sea Lettuce??

    the reason why places sell it all the time is because for one it usually doesnt start to grow in the tank very rapidly or at all. and second a lot of fish will eat it and copepods thrive on it which will make them reproduce and seahorses will eat them all day.
  11. leopardshark

    to speed along cycle..??

    i would use the live sand and tlc which will put some bacteria just like the live sand and rock into the tank and that should speed it up. tlc is just a liquid additives and i have used it since the day it came out and for me it works wonders.
  12. leopardshark

    question of conditioners

    i would also try some tlc which would give bacteria to the tank to speed up the cycle process.
  13. leopardshark

    This is good, right?

    it sounds like coralline algae to me but if you get a think red or green algae that could be a sign of constricted flow , direct sunlight or too much light on the tank. but to me it sounds like a healthy algae.
  14. leopardshark

    Next addition?

    the advice i give you is to not put the tangs in for about 4-8 wks because tangs are very susceptable to pathogens. if you arent planning on doing any kind of corals then i suggest to use a uv sterilizer. which will help to keep the pathogens under control. i would start off will something...
  15. leopardshark

    FS 220 gallon

    im from the orland park /homerglen area i work at chicago aquarium in orland park. i would be interested and i will make you an offer. can you email me? im having trouble emailing you.