Recent content by mikmcgyver

  1. mikmcgyver

    Hitchhiker ID please

    Aiptasia? if so elimanate it.. pest anenomie...
  2. mikmcgyver

    That (edit) damsel......Advice needed!

    You can take out the LR to catch him, just get a tub of saltwater thats close to what ya have now , remove each piece of rock till you can corner that lil sucker and yank him out, they are called DAMsels for a reason, I frickin hate em....
  3. mikmcgyver

    Invasion of the...

    What kind of cleanup crew you have in there beside the emerald? looks like diatoms to me.. what does your water test at?
  4. mikmcgyver

    90 Gallon Tank

    I just ordered a 90 gallon RR acrylic tank from my LFS for $450, plus hes gonna come out and help me plumb it for free, plus deliver it...Not a bad deal I feel...No lights or stand, but I dont need the stand anyways....
  5. mikmcgyver

    2 clown in the same tank?????????

    I have 2 clowns in my tank, 1 percula and 1 ocelaris. They get along swimmingly...
  6. mikmcgyver

    emerald crab killing hermits

    Emerald shouldnt be killin em. I have a couple of blue legs, 1 red leg and a green emerald. They usually never are near each other...
  7. mikmcgyver


    Still new at the plumbing thing, but is this a basic drawing of what i want. Please let me know if I have something going in the wrong direction or if something is placed in the wrong area..
  8. mikmcgyver


    Where does it drain back into? the area where it goes back into your main tank? still new to the SW game and a bit confused on the whole plumbing game...
  9. mikmcgyver


    If possible can you take a pic of your setup with the freefall drain from your fuge?
  10. mikmcgyver


    Perfect, ty for the pictures... I was just curious since there will be critters in there as well. Might as well look at them now and then....Is your sump part of your fuge or separate? if seperate how did you plumb it?
  11. mikmcgyver


    Are refugiums always part of a sump? Or is it possible to make it a viewable tank as well? Like up next to your main display tank.... Just curious Thanks...
  12. mikmcgyver

    Joining LR

    I got a guy that gives me LR for what he pays for it. So basically cost... Just all the pieces are about 15-20 lbs each and wanted to make some bigger pieces. I found some 3/8" acrlyic rods.. You think that would be big enough? I have the link but am not sure if it is ok to post it on here...
  13. mikmcgyver

    Joining LR

    This may sound crazy but: Would it be possible to join LR by drilling holes with a Hammer drill and "pinning" them together with acrylic rods or stainless steel pins? I found a site that sells acrylic rods fairly cheap and am tired of my crabs, snails and fish knocking over the smaller pieces of...
  14. mikmcgyver

    Lighting on a 90

    I know they would be good w/o an anenomie but thought it might be cool to have. Would T5's be on with an anenomie? MH is just so freeking expensive..
  15. mikmcgyver

    Lighting on a 90

    Picking up a 90 gallon acrylic tank in the next few days and have a question about the lighting. Do I do MH or can I get away with some PC? I will be doing a FOWLR, no corals.. Just fish... Also would it be possible to put an Anenomie in there? Do they require a lot of lighting or can i go...